Chapter 26

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3 weeks later~~

-Eve's POV-

"JADE!!!" I scream for the millionth time. This girl will not get up.


"Wha'?" She mumbles.

"Come onnnnnnnnn!! We've got to get you ready for your date!!!!" She covers her ears.

"You do realize that you have a date today too?"

"Yeah but I'm fabulous all by myself!" I exclaim. "Ooh and I already got you a cute dress!" I pull out a jade green dress, it vintage style almost, with cute little buttons and a black ribbon around the waist. Her mouth drops open.

"When did you get this?" She asks, getting up and brushing out her hair.

"Oh I have my sources..."

Then I pull out my dress. It's a pale blue color that ends right above my knee and has sequins sewn into the fabric. It also has a flower in the middle with ribbon tied in the middle.

I show Jade who sighs "it's beautiful.. Sirius'll love it!"

We both change into our dresses and do our make-up and our hair. I curl Jade's stick straight hair, she straightens my wavy mess.

"Okay, I swear if moony doesn't love you on that I might have to kill him." I say.

"Well I'd say the same with Sirius but he seems to love you in anything." She says, making me blush.

Once we're all ready we walk down the steps and see the boys, all four of them, in the common room. All their heads turn and their mouths drop open. Sirius is the first one to recover, he walk over to me.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup!" I say as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"You look really beautiful." He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"You don't look to bad yourself I say, flicking his tie.

We wind our way through the grounds of Hogwarts and see McGonagall waiting to see 3rd years' permission slips. I could've sworn that I saw her smile, seeing the two of us.

"So, where are we headed today Mr. Black?" I ask him.

"Well, we are first going to the three broomsticks."

"Then?" I prod.

"You'll have to wait and see, love" he kisses my nose,making me giggle.

So we go off to the three broomsticks. He orders us both butter beers then we just talk. That's one of the good things about falling in love with your best friend, nothing is awkward about it.

So, after a lot of laughter, talking and, kissing, we get up and he takes my hand.

"Where are we going?"

"Just wait and see, beautiful." He says.

He takes me into the forbidden forest but this looks nothing like it.

There's a beautiful waterfall, butterflies everywhere, exotic flowers, and a picnic table. On the picnic table there's a picnic basket.

"It's beautiful.." I breathe. And, to make it even more magical, there's even a unicorn.

"So, what are we gonna do for the next couple of hours?" I ask him, seeing a grin on his face.

"Oh I think I have an idea...." Then his lips are pressed to mine and my hands are running through his hair.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want to pressure you into anything that you're not ready for." He says and looks at me straight in the eyes. And that's when I realize that I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

"I'm ready, I swear."

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