Chapter 13

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I LOVED Arden's Chapter!!! It was amazingggg.

-Eve's POV-

When Jade goes back to talk to Moony, me and Padfoot have keep the act up.

I look up at him "adoringly". When he sees me looking at him, he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I lean into him and we walk like this, looking all coupley.

We get into the D.A.D.A room and I see eyes flash this way, but not to us, to Jade and Moony. They're.....HOLDING HANDS!!!! I let out a slight 'awwww' and Sirius squeezes my shoulder gently. I smile up at him knowingly and he just shakes his head and laughs at me. He releases my shoulder and walks over to sit with James. I can say I'm slightly disappointed-noooooooo. No. Just no.

I motion jade over to sit next to me and I slip her a note.

E: soooo you and Moony huh?

J: soooo you an Padfoot :P

E: you know that's fake

J: didn't look fake to me

E: he's my BEST FRIEND!

J: Remus is one of mine but that didn't stop me from fancying him

My mouth drops open and she scribbles out what she just wrote, but I'm still in shock. I start squealing and professor Knowll (idk who their D.A,D.A professor was okay?) glares at me.

"Is there something you want to share with the class, Jacobs?" I look at jade with excitement pouring into my blue eyes, she gives a shake of her head and I completely deflate.

"No sir..."

"Now back to your O.W.L. exams." He says but I'm not paying attention. I keep seeing Moony stare at Jade and Jade look over her shoulder and grin at him. They are just too cute!!

I hear a 'cough' next to me.

"Look behind you" she whispers and I slowly turn my head around. I see Padfoot and Prongs making paper wads hit Ol' Snivelly in the nose. I giggle and so does Jade until I'm kicked out for being distracting. Great.

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