Chapter 50

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-Eve's POV-

After classes I change into a simple little purple dress with a big bow around the middle. Amos is waiting for me at the grounds.

"Hey, you ready to go?" He says excitedly. "Yeah totally."

So we walk down to the three broomsticks and get butterbeers. He also tells some lame jokes but I laugh anyway so people wouldn't think I'm miserable without Sirius.

After we finish our butter beers he pays and we get ready to leave but then I see something odd: Jade is sitting and talking with Tyler wood.

She sees me and gives me a half-nod so I can tell she's pretty mad at me for agreeing to go out with Amos. Well Jade I'm not having the time of my life here.

"So..." Says Amos "where do you want to go? The shrieking shack?" My breath catches. "No." I answer automatically. I do not want to be reminded of him.

"We could go to Honeydukes?" Again I decline because that's where Sirius and I always went.

"Madam Puddlefoot's?" He tries again, make me legitimately snort.

"Isn't that all pink and serves coffee?"

"Well yeah...but I mean you're a girl...I just thought...."

I smile pityingly "sweetie I'm not that kind of girl who likes makeup and talks about guys...if you wanted that kind of girl you should've asked Marlene McKinnon" I pat his arm "Well, I'm going to get back to the castle Amos...I'm sorry this didn't work out very well" There we go, I think, way to let him down easy.

As I'm walking back to the castle I run into someone with three other someone's with him.

"Oh I'm sorr-" Sirius starts, then seeing that its me stops short.

"Whatever. Just move." I growl.

He looks at me with hurt clear in his eyes but I just brush it off.

"Hold it!" James commands and I turn,annoyed, to face him.

"What?" I snap.

"How was your date with Diggory?" He smirks.

I scowl at him "Oh was fucking fabulous!"

Jade's POV

"Woah. No offense but you guys have a lot of trust issues." I sigh. "I know. It's just so aggravating! In this stupid world no one ever trusts anyone anymore!" he looks down at the bar. "I understand. But why are you still dating Remus even though he accused you of cheating?" why was I talking to him again? "Because... I guess it's because I love him." I shrug. he stays looking down at the bar.

"How many drinks have you had now, Jade?" it was an odd question. "I don't know. I think about six." he grins real big. "What?" "You are one sad girl, aren't you Jade?" I laugh. "Well, life isn't exactly going very smoothly, now is it? And why do you say my name in almost every sentence? I understand you're talking to me." that seemed to make him uncomfortable. "No reason." he shrugged and took a drink of his butter beer.

I see Eve making her way out and do a small half nod to acknowledge her. She may not want me to know but I can tell she's having a miserable time. "I think I've had enough drinks for tonight. I'm going to go find the guys. They're probably wondering where I've been. I'll talk to you later, Wood." he smiled. "You're never going to all me Tyler, are you?" I grinned back. "Don't get crazy. Of course I'm not." and I walked out the door.

I see the guys and walk up to them. "So, how's it going?" I say, slipping my hand into Remus's. "Not well." replied Remus. He leaned over a bit and whispered "Eve just ran into Sirius by accident. Literally." I gave a slow nod in response.

"Guys, can I talk to Sirius alone?" they all looked at me as if I said something insane, then reluctantly left. Sirius sat down on a nearby bench and I sat with him. "You know, I care about Eve too and-" I was quickly cut off."What? Are you going to tell me that things will get better and that everything will be okay again?" "No," I began sternly. "I'm not stupid Sirius, things will never be how they once were. She might date you again, but if she doesn't then all you can do is take it. There is absolutely nothing you can do to get that girl to do what you want. All you can do is take the punch in the stomach she gives you every time you see her. All you can do is let her open up all the stitches every time she walks past you, Sirius. It absolutely sucks,I know but what are you going to do?" he shrugs. "At this point I would just be happy to have her in my life at all. Whether she dates me or not,I don't care. I just want her back in my life." he bit his lip to the point of blood.

"Sirius, stop biting your lip. You're bleeding." he shrugged. "I know." I gave him a napkin I had in my pocket to wipe his blood with and we walked back to the boys. "Let's go back to the castle." they didn't ask me any questions or say anything at all. We just all went back to the castle together.

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