Chapter 12

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Jade's POV

I walk out of potions class with Eve beside me and Sirius beside her and Remus trailing behind me. I wanted to talk to Remus but I didn't know what to say. I know that I was going to tell him that I didn't like him like that but I'm not too sure anymore.

I whisper to Eve, "I'm going to talk to Remus, you go ahead." And then I slow my speed down to where Remus can stand beside me. "Hey," I said not knowing what else to say. "Hello." said Remus. He was never very good at opening a conversation.

"What book are you reading?" I ask him as I point to the book that he's holding by his side. He picks it up to read the title and says "Wizardry: An Art." I laugh at the title. "That's the most ridiculous name for a book I've ever heard!" he smirks and says "Well, at least you've forgotten about the last book I read." "Oh yeah!" I look up as if I'm looking into the future for dramatic effect. "Time: Past Present Future and Life." We both begin to laugh so hard we can't make ourselves walk.

A Ravenclaw with a temper yells at us. "Move you stupid morons! Some of us need to get to class!" I stop laughing and say "Maybe if you would pull that stick out of your ass you wouldn't have so much trouble making it to your classes." That caused a roaring laughter and Remus and I began to walk down the hallway.

We needed to hurry to defense against the dark arts. "Jade, you are absolutely brilliant!" I smile and say "I've been trying to get you people to notice this for quite sometime!" at that we begin laughing again.

While laughing I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I fell down. Remus immediately comes to see if I'm okay. "Are you alright?" I sit up and nod while laughing. "How can you not laugh at other people falling?" Remus shrugged then boldly said "I normally would but when you fall... I guess you're just so perfect that I feel that if you fall you'll break. Like a porcelain doll."

I could feel myself blushing and stood up. I gave Remus a hug. He tensed up for a split second, then it melted away and he relaxed. He let go and said "Jade, we are going to be so late for class." and all I could say was "I don't care." as I grab onto his hand and walk down the rest of the hallway wondering what the bloody hell I was doing.

Really, I felt as if I had done something terrible. I wasn't sure if I really liked Remus that way and I was leading him on. I didn't want to be that girl. Those kind of girls have broken Remus's heart more than once and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I broke Remus's heart.

I stopped thinking for a moment then decided that maybe I actually did like him. Our hands fit perfectly with each others. His hand was warm but not sweaty and I felt as if he steadied me. As if I wasn't stabilized before. Ignoring my thoughts may have been the best decision because now I could let my heart do what it wanted and maybe this was it.

Now I had butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks were furiously hot. Maybe I wouldn't have felt steady if I hadn't been holding his hand but I didn't want to check. I wanted my hand to stay in his because it just felt right, and nothing has felt right for a long time.

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