Chapter 49

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-Eve's POV-

After I leave the great hall I actually DO my transfiguration homework.

I sit in the common room and read my transfiguration book when people walk in.

"Eve!" Jade shouts "why the hell would you do that?"

I play innocent "do what?"

"You tried to set that girl up with him!"

"That wasn't cool Eve. He's beat up about this" James chimes in.

"I don't want to talk about this!" I retort and begin to walk away, only to see James has grabbed my arm. "We need to talk about this" he says, sympathy in his eyes. "There's nothing to talk about!"

Jade looks at me like she can't believe what's she's seeing. "I can believe you! You completely broke him and you don't even care!" I look at her through dull eyes. "Am I supposed to care?"

Then Jade does something that surprises me, she slaps me. "Look me straight in the eye and tell me you don't love him anymore." That makes my heart twist in my chest. I put on a poker face and say without any emotion "I just don't love him anymore" then I grab my transfiguration book and sweep out of the common room.


Transfiguration improved my mood a bit. But just a bit. I turned a hedgehog into pincushion so that's good right?

I'm on my way back up to the common room when I hear someone call my name. I turn to see Amos Diggory.

"H-hey Eve!" He squeaks

"Uh hi Amos" I say uncertainly.

"So I heard that you and Sirius broke up...and I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me.." Everybody in the corridor freezes, and out of the corner of my eye I see the marauders and Jade are here too. I smiles sweetly at Amos.

"Oh yeah totally!! I would LOVE to!" Then I hurry up to the Gryffindor common room and get my charms things.

Jade's POV

Before Sirius can even react to what Eve just did James has the back of his shirt collar in his hands. "Sirius, don't even think about attacking Amos. It's not going to accomplish anything." he whispered in his ear. "Maybe not, but it'll make me feel a hell of a lot better." I grabbed his sleeve even though he wasn't struggling at all. "Yes, but then you'll be expelled and heartbroken. Just stop!" I let go and so did James. "Whatever. Let's just get our charms crap and go to class." he said.

I didn't know what to say to make him feel better because I'd be lying if I had said it didn't matter. I'd be lying if I said that things would get back to normal. Things were never going to be the same again no matter what. No matter how badly we wanted things to be normal they never could be. When you speak your mind it can change everything. I grabbed all my charms stuff and left without the guys.

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After classes I went to Hogsmeade to drink as much butter beer as possible. I didn't take any of the guys with me. Not even Remus. I just wanted to be alone. I sat at bar stool at the very end of the bar, hoping no one would notice me. I see Eve walk in with Amos but they don't see me because they're sitting at the closest table to the door.

I finished my first butter beer and was getting another when I hear a familiar voice say "I'm paying for her." I turn my head and see Tyler Wood. He always shows up at the worst of times. "Thanks Wood, but I can pay for myself." he handed the man the money anyways as he set down the butter beer.

"What do you want Wood?" I say with my had in my hand with my elbow supporting it. "Why do I always have to want something. I don't want anything from you, Jade." I sighed. I was always so mean to him for no real reason. "I'm sorry, I know that. You just have really bad timing is all. And I don't think Remus is going to like that you're buying me drinks." he sat down next to me and shrugged.

"What does it matter? None of them are ever going to like me, Jade. No matter what I do they think I'm out to get them. Well, only when it comes to you and Eve. They're very protective over you. Even before you were dating Remus." I nodded. I most certainly knew that. They would always keep a careful watch on all of my boyfriends. There was almost always one of the boys spying on me.

"So, what's got you down?" he asked casually. I shrugged. "Eh,you don't want to hear about it." I took a gulp of butter beer. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know, Jade." I looked down at the bar. Why should I tell him? But more importantly, why do I want to? "You win this one Wood, I'll tell you." and I told him a small part of what happened, leaving out the part of why Eve broke up with Sirius. I respected her secrets and it was not my place to tell them.

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