Chapter 35

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-Eve's POV-

So I sit in my hospital bed talking to Jade all day. Whenever a new person walks in we levitate a vase it front of them. We probably end up giving them concussions but whatever, it gets my mind off him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks after I tell her she should go do her homework.

"Yeah I'm fine. Go."



She sighs, giving up. She walks out the door, dodging the vase I 'wingardium leviosa' at her.

Then I'm left alone to my thoughts. That's when I get violent and start 'reducto'ing things. Vases shatter, curtains rip,books fall off shelves. But I'm just such an emotional wreck I don't even care. Eventually, I tired myself out enough and fall asleep.


I'm awoken by madam Pomfrey stuffing awful tasting medicine down my throat. I only stop protesting when she says its the only way I can play quidditch today.

"Can I pleaseeeee get out of here?" I ask for the 243656665684473367th time.

"Not yet!"

"But I'm bored"

"Practice spells"


I spend the rest of the day before quidditch making giant flowers zoom around the hospital wing.

"Madam Pomfrey. Can I go now? My team's getting ready to go!" She FINALLY agrees and I rush out with a hurried thank you.

I run up, grab my broom and change then run down to the quidditch pitch.

I hurriedly run into the gryfindor changing thingy and before they notice me yell "I'm back bitches!"

Jade's POV

I turn around to Eve's comment and laugh. "Eve, you didn't seek out did you?" she laughs. "I didn't have to! I was let out early." We go out on the field and play.

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We're playing the game and we're ahead. I'm trying to get my head in the game but I can't help but looking over at Eve. I keep feeling like she's going to get hurt.

Finally I hear "Gryffindor has the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" We all land and I go straight to Eve. "Eve! I was worried." Eve groans. "I'm fine Jade." I look over at the stands and see Sirius Black looking at us. Well, at Eve.

I motion for him to come over and he almost does but of course Tyler Wood comes up to us. "Great job girls! And great job catching the snitch Eve!" he pats her back and I look over at Sirius. He's walking away, angry.

"Thanks a lot Wood!" I yell without thinking. "What I do this time Jade?" I take a deep breath."Sorry Wood. Don't worry about it." and I begin to walk away when I feel someone grab my shoulder.

I turn thinking it's Eve but it's Tyler. "What is it Wood?" I ask. "I just want you to know, I'm not in love with Eve." I look at him confused then say "Okay Wood, I'll keep note of that." and walk away.

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