Chapter 42

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Jade's POV

I walk back into the commons room and find that Remus is sitting in a chair. I walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek. He kind of pushes me off which confuses me. He's never done that.

"What's wrong Remus? Did something happen?" he laughs which angers me. "Did something happen, like you don't know." I was more confused than ever and also angry at the tone of his voice. "What are you talking about Remus?" he quickly replied. "I'm just saying you need to choose, Me or Wood. Buy don't date us both that's just cruel."

now I was livid. "Are you fucking kidding me? Why would I ever do that to you? I would never." I say trying to keep my voice down. He laughs. "I've heard what Eve and Sirius have been saying. They think you're cheating and maybe you are. It would only make sense." That crushed me. "Remus, you don't trust me? Why would you think I was cheating on you?"

I'm screaming and trying to hold in tears. I can't look weak. Not now.

"Well," he says. Without listening to whatever else he has to say I step outside the commons to talk to Eve and Sirius. Before they can say anything I'm already speaking. "Are you fucking serious? Why would I ever cheat on him? I would never do that and now he thinks so because of you two! What the hell were you thinking?" I'm screaming again but I don't care anymore. I won't even try to bring my voice down.

Then Sirius says "What were we supposed to think? You" I cut him off "No. You were supposed to think that I went to quidditch practice. That's what you were supposed to think." Eve speaks "Okay Jade we messed up I'm sorry." I laugh in anger. "No, you didn't just mess up. And to think I expected more from you Eve." I shove past her ignoring her attempts to call me back.

I walk outside to see if I can find Lily. As I'm searching in find the one person I don't want to be around. Tyler Wood. "Hey Jade! How's it going?" I shake my head and try not to scream. I didn't like him buy this wasn't necessarily his fault.

"Don't. I just... Just please go away." I try and shove past him but he stops me. "What's going on?" this time I raise my voice but I'm not yelling. "Get the hell away from me." He lets go but looks really concerned. I turn around and take a deep breath.

"Sorry, I just need to find Lily right now. Do you know where she is?" he nods and says "Yeah she left here a minute ago to go to the commons room." I nod and swallow. "Thanks." I say and walk away.

I walk back to the commons and all of the marauders are sitting there. Eve stands up and trays to talk to me. "Jade I'm sorry just" at that point she touches my shoulder and I shrug her off. "Get away from me Jacobs. Just don't talk to me." Eve looked crushed but this time I don't care. I just walk into the girls room to find Lily.

As soon as I see her I break down into tears and curl up into a ball on the floor. She rushes over quickly and wraps her arms around me. At that I uncurl and hug her. "Jade, what happened." I tell her through sobs and she listens. As soon as I'm done she speaks. "Draw."

That confused me. "Huh?" I say looking up at her and drying my tears with my sleeve. "Draw. It always helps you and I haven't seen you draw since the train ride." that made me feel guilty. I hadn't talked to her much since the train ride. But instead of saying sorry I get out my notebook and begin drawing. Drawing until my heart is emptied out onto the page. Then I look at it.

It's Remus but he's and angel. A pure angel with beautiful white wings. And then there's Eve, she's an evil angel with brilliant black wings and she's putting spells on Remus with her wand. Black sleek sparks are pouring out of the wand. And Sirius is doing the same as Eve. And Remus is staring in front of me, his eyes dull and tears are streaming down my face.

"Can I see" asks Lily. I just give her the notebook."That's beautiful Jade." I just shrug and curl up into my useless ball again.

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