Chapter 1

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 1
Emily's POV


Hi. Hey. I don't know. How are you suppose to start out an entry in a diary?

Yeah, I know. You're probably thinking she's writing in a diary like every little seven year old does, but I've got a reason for it.

First off, let me explain to you why I'm sitting here in my bedroom writing in a, well, let's call it a notebook. Caleb Logan LeBlanc passed away a week ago. At his funeral some girl came up to me and gave me this notebook. I mean she wasn't a stranger, she went to my school and stuff. She handed it to me and told me if I ever needed to let out my thoughts to put them in here. At the time I thought it was a pretty stupid idea, like why would you want to write down all the 'good ole happy memories' that you and someone so, so important had? When I got home that night I began thinking about it. I could write down the story of us, how we came to be. That sounds really cheesy and all, but I mean for real. Maybe this is the way to find closure. Some people might think, oh if I think of great memories of the one I just lost then it's just going to bring me even more pain.

That's not the case for me.

It's been a week since he died and I think I'm ready to finally find closure. I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to write about. Somedays it might be scattered thoughts or just random stories of him and I. I want to try to get the story straight, all the way from the beginning to the end. I want to be able to remember Caleb forever.

I basically grew up in the same house with him. We were BFFS, I guess you could call it. Then we started to become something more than that later on down the road. I liked him, a lot actually. I fell in love with Caleb. Our story is sorta like all those romantic movies where the best friends fall in love and all that, except ours was way better.

I'm getting way ahead of myself. Just writing down all these thoughts makes me feel better. Every little letter I write feels like a breath of fresh air that I've been searching for for quite awhile.

So, I now present to you, the story of us.

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