Chapter 33

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 33
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 4/17/12
Age: 14

"Guess what!" Caleb barged into my room. He hopped onto the edge of my bed and started furiously typing something into his phone.

I jumped ten feet in the air and dropped my phone. "Thanks for knocking and giving me a heads up?" I asked. I picked it up and wiped the screen onto my shirt.

"Ssh," he hushed me. "That's not important. This is." He shoved his phone into my face.

I glanced at the long, fancy email and nearly died.

"Holy crap! Is this for real?" I squealed. I pulled a strand of hair out of my face to see clearly. I quickly scanned the phone once more to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks or anything.

"Why would I be kidding about this? We were invited to go on a freaking Disney Cruise!" He yelled.

Disney Cruise Lines had invited us to take a cruise to the Caribbean Islands on one of their newest ships, the Disney Fantasy. Let me make it clear that the email stated that the Bratayley family AND Emily Matthews's family was invited to go on this amazing, free trip. I guess I was in so many of their vlogs that they had to tag me along. It also said that were allowed to bring another family of three which meant Ethan would be able to come with us.

"It talks about having like a meet and greet or something on there." He looked over the email.

"A meet and greet?" I asked. I don't think this day could get any better. "When is it?"

"That's even better news," he grinned. "It's during the week of my fifteenth birthday."

"Lucky," I smiled. I could already feel that this cruise was going to be amazing and probably one of the best vacations ever.

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