Chapter 6

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 6
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 9/07/07
Age: 9

For the rest of the week and the weekend, every night I'd ask myself, what was so good about Madison? What did Caleb like about her that I didn't have? I pondered on the thought each night but could never think of a reasonable answer. I decided I was going to watch Madison and figure out what was so special about her.

The next day I made sure I sat close to her at lunch. She was at the table right across from me. I watched every little move she made from picking up her sandwich, fixing the bracelet on her wrist, or just tapping her friend on the shoulder. I know this all sounds super stalkerish and stuff, but I don't know. I guess I was jealous.

Then suddenly it hit me. He likes her because she actually dresses girly. I mean don't get me wrong, I dress like a girl but not really girly, if that makes any sense. My daily outfits usually just consist of t-shirts, jeans, tennis shoes, and my hair pulled up into a ponytail. I've always been sort of a tom-girl I guess you could call it. 

I stared at Madison's outfit. A hot pink, ruffled tank top, flower printed shorts, crazy colored jewelry, a huge yellow bow pulling back her hair. Of course every single piece of clothing she had on was from Justice, the only shop third grade girls shopped at, unless of course you were me.

Caleb plopped down in the seat next to me, setting down his tray. "I forgot today was breakfast for lunch." He groaned. He absolutely hated breakfast.

"That's why I brought my lunch from home." I giggled. I pulled out my ham and cheese sandwich and split it in half. Caleb gratefully took half the sandwich and gobbled it down while I made up a mental list of what I was going to get at Justice.

"Hayley hasn't stopped crying ever since she's gotten home. I'm so tired, I can barely keep my head up." He propped himself up with his elbows.

"You can spend the night with us." I suggested.

"I might just take you up on that offer." He replied, lying his head down.

I smiled to myself. At least Madison doesn't get to have sleepovers with Caleb.

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