Chapter 27

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 27
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 1/23/12
Age: 14

"Ethan and I are dating." I blurted out at the lunch table one day. Ethan hadn't come to sit down yet so it was just Caleb and I.

He suddenly started to choke on his food. That would probably be my reaction if I just suddenly threw that out there like that. "Oh. I mean that's great." He shook his head and gave me a sorta confused smile.

"He's changed a lot." I explained. "He's not the same as he use to be."

At that moment, Ethan plopped down at the seat right next to mine.

"Hey babe." He sat down his tray. I could hear Caleb chuckle.

I looked up at him. "What?" I got a little annoyed.

"You guys are really dating?" He eyed the two of us. Ethan and I gave each other weird looks.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, we are. Why?" I asked.

He just shook his head and smiled, not saying a word. That made me a little pissed off because I know he wasn't telling me the truth.

Through out lunch Caleb kept staring at us and either smiled or laughed. Ethan eventually left the table to use the restroom, leaving Caleb and I alone.

"What the hell, Caleb?" I asked. "What are you doing?"

"Last time we talked, you absolutely hated Ethan." He chuckled and started gathering his trash.

"I told you, he's different now." I defended Ethan.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Not really."

"Yes, he is. I don't know what you're talking about." I said.

"Around you he might've changed, but not around other people." He messed around with his shirt.

"What is that even suppose to mean?" I was starting to get way too confused.

"He likes you, Emily." He laughs. "So he acts better just to impress you but around everyone else he's still his perverted self."

I shook my head. "No, he-. You know what, you're just pissed because I'm dating him. You hate him so you think everyone should too." My voice started to raise.

"Yeah, I hate him but I don't think everyone else should hate him too." Caleb said.

"Ok, but my point is that you're pissed that I'm dating him. Aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes, I mean no. Emily, MY point is that he's an awful person. I don't want you getting hurt."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," The bell had rung and I grabbed my stuff. I didn't bother to wait for Caleb. I just left him.

That whole entire day, I felt awful for all of the things I had said during lunch. Once I got home, I sent Caleb a text.

Emily: I didn't mean to go off on you at lunch today. I know you were just trying to help me. I just took everything the wrong way ig :/

He read it but never replied. I guess that's what I deserved for being a total bitch.

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