Chapter 28

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 28
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 1/27/12
Age: 14

Monday strolled around faster than ever. I walked into second period, all groggy. I didn't get enough sleep in the office. We had to count the number of cans each class brought for some canned food drive the school was putting on which took the whole entire time.

I sat down in the back corner of the classroom where my assigned seat was. As I lied my head against my desk, my English teacher, Mrs. Blanchard spoke out.

"Alrighty, my little superstars!" She said enthusiastically. I swear she's on drugs most of the time. "Today we'll be finishing up or argumentative essays." She began. I tuned out the rest of her little speech until the announcements came over the intercom.

It was all the same. Chess would have their meeting after school. Cross country will have a pizza party on the field for the end of the season. Canned food drive ends today.

"Ninth grade girls and boys basketball tryouts will be held this coming Friday." That caught my attention. I had played basketball in fourth and fifth grade and was actually good at it. For some reason, I decided to quit and have never played since. I still shoot baskets once in awhile and play a small game with my dad but that's it.

Mrs. Blanchard strutted to her desk and grabbed a handful of tryout forms.

"So, who wants one?" Her voice squeaked, waving the forms wildly over my head.

I was the only kid in the class who shot their hand up. Mrs. Blanchard practically ran over to me and handed me a form.

"You know, you look like you'd make an amazing basketball player, Emily!" She went on about how I had great potential and stuff. I just nodded my head and smiled. I wasn't listening to a word she had to say.

She finally finished with a deep breath. "Ok, guys! Finish your essays." She wheezed. She was definitely out of breath.

"Emily being a basketball player?" Ethan asked me in the hallway after English.

"Hey, I was actually a really good player!" I defended myself.

"I'm sure you were." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I gave him a warm smile.

Across the hallway amongst a huge group of students, I saw Caleb and Madison walking side by side. I ignored it. I have a perfect boyfriend right by my side.

"Bye, babe. Love you." Ethan squeezed my hand and I grinned.

"You too." I said. As Ethan walked into his next class, I couldn't help but turn around and watch Caleb and Madison walking, holding hands.


madisonnn_ : #mce thanks for always putting a smile on my face ;)) @iamabakedpotato

Let me just say, CHEESY. Madison and Caleb took some picture out at driveway at school today so she decided to post.

Loads of comments started piling through from the Bratayley fandom.

"Awe! So cute😘😘"
"i ship it ;))"
"They must be dating. Each other's names are in their bios."

Yeah, they were dating. I mean I'm not jealous or anything. I'm just sorta upset he never told me. I texted him asking why he never said anything to me. He said he "forgot". Sure.

A new comment pops up on Madison's post.

"Does anybody ship Emileb as much as I do or is Maleb everyone's new fav? I don't like Maleb personally."

I laughed. Oh Maleb.

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