Chapter 61

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A/N: oh dear... I'll just be sitting here waiting for all the hate/grossed out comments to come in from you guys !!!

The Story Of Us
Chapter 61
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 6/29/15
Age: 17

By the time we went to bed it was already midnight. Mostly just Caleb and I caught up with Addy while Gavin and Grace did only God knows what somewhere else. Now, we both felt wide awake and couldn't fall asleep.

"Did you set all of this up?" I asked as I came out of the bathroom which was connected to the bedroom. I flipped my head over and started putting my hair up in a messy bun.

"Yeah," Caleb said. He reached for the towel he threw on the ground only a few moments ago and dried out his wet hair again.

As he did, I couldn't help myself but stare at his abs. I've seen him shirtless plenty of times, but it still made me go crazy inside seeing him without a shirt on.

He lifted his head out of the towel and flipped his hair out of his eyes which was already starting to curl.

A slow smile started to spread across my face as I walked towards him. I placed my arms around his neck and locked my eyes with his brown ones.

"Thank you," I said. "This means so much to me, you have no idea." I ran my hands slowly down to his bare chest.

I heard Caleb take in a breath. "Anything for you." He let out. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

I kept my eyes focused on his chest, his gaze on my eyes. Caleb finally took his hands and pushed my arms away. He locked his lips with mine, forcing me to tilt my head back at the sudden movement. Eventually, he let go of my wrists and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. I once again found my arms by his neck. My fingers started to comb through his damp curls.

Our kissing started to turn into a blown out make out session. My body tensed a little as I felt his tongue enter my mouth. Reassuringly, Caleb immediately placed his hand on the side of my face, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

We started to move, attempting to find the bed. I tried to pull away, just for a second, but Caleb refused to let go. I bumped into the bed where I lied down, forcing Caleb to remove his lips from mine just for a few seconds. Already we were breaking the rule of sleeping in the same bed. He slowly got on top of me and instead of him kissing my lips, Caleb moved to my neck.

"Caleb," I said as he continued to slowly kiss every inch of my neck. I put my hand on one side of his face and guided his lips back to mine where we continued from where we left off last time.

"Oh, shit." I heard the door swing open and Addy's voice. Trying to sit up, I accidentally bit Caleb's lip.

"Ow," he mumbled, grabbing at his mouth as he rolled off of me.

"Well, this obviously isn't my room." Addy scratches her head.

I glanced over at Caleb who was clearly embarrassed. He took a long sigh and leaned back into the bed, running his hand through his hair.

Addy took the door knob into her hand and started to close the door.

"Sorry guys," she peaked her head in. "I'll leave you back to your little sex session." Addy winked.

I rolled my eyes as she shut the door.

"Fuck you!" I yelled after her.

You could hear her high pitched giggle all the way from the end of the hall.

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