Chapter 34

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 34
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 5/23/14
Age: 14

Eighth grade graduation is a little too extreme, if you ask me. I mean, c'mon. All your doing is moving on to the high school from the junior high. I just think they're sorta pointless.

So there I was, in the heat of the day sitting in an itchy, blue dress waiting for my name to be called. Caleb sat three people down from me while Ethan was towards the back. Why we were doing this outside, I had no idea. My curled hair was starting to frizz which sorta pissed me off since I only spent an hour doing it.

Madison's name was called and she strutted up the stairs and onto the stage. I leaned forward to look at Caleb. He looked over at me and I gave him a weird face. He narrowed his eyes at me and smiled.

"Be nice," he mouthed.

I laughed at him. "Sure." I nodded my head and sat back.

Caleb was eventually called up and then me.

"Emily Matthews," our principle called through the microphone. I stood up and wiped my sweaty palms on my dress and walked. Being in front of huge crowds wasn't my thing. I grabbed at my E necklace and tried to ignore the hundreds of people in the stands. I successfully walked up the stairs and onto the stage without tripping and was handed my certificate.

High school, here I come.

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