Chapter 12

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 12
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 12/24/09
Age: 11

Over the last few months, my parents and Caleb's all became really good friends with Ethan's family.

So here we all were, sitting around the Christmas tree, each one of the children holding a gift in their hands.

It was a Christmas Eve tradition where every Christmas Eve, everyone got to open one gift of their choosing. This year instead of everyone getting a present for each child, we all pulled names on who we were buying a gift for. It just so happened that I pulled out Caleb's name and Ethan pulled out mine.

To each of my side sat Ethan and Caleb. Ethan was just a tad bit to close to me which made me feel a little uncomfortable, since he still had a crush to me. I awkwardly scooted towards Caleb.

"You okay?" He whispered and I nodded my head in reply.

All of the parents surrounded us with cameras and video recorders, telling us to smile and wave at them as they recorded. Miss Katie was also recording for one of their new vlogs.

"Okay, on the count of three you can all tear your presents open. Got it?" Billy asked. We all anxiously nodded our heads.

"1...2...3... Go!" The sound of tearing wrapping paper filled the room while flashes from cameras flashed at us.

I carefully unwrapped the tiny box in my hands that was from Ethan. I was really nervous to find what was in there? What if it was some love note of home confessing his love for me than I would have to show my parents and everyone else here? Maybe I overthinking this gift a little too much.

I slowly opened the white box and saw a necklace with a heart charm hanging down from it. I repeat, a heart charm. My stomach dropped and my cheeks turned a crimson color. What was I suppose to do? I know the reason why he got me this heart necklace but I didn't want to face telling everyone else about it.

I pulled it out quickly before anybody could see what it was.

"Ethan, I love it!" I said while holding the necklace in my hand.

"I knew you would." He grinned.

"Em, show me what you got." My mom said. Then the room went dead silent and everyone was looking straight at me.

Oh God, I thought to myself. I took a breath and held up the necklace. Everyone oohed and awed but I heard oh they must be in love type of thing. Until, of course, Ethan's mom pipes up.

"Ethan has a huge crush on Emily and requested me to buy that for her. " I was able to hear Ethan's mom tell mine. I looked over at Caleb and could tell by the look on his face that he heard too.

The gift that I had gotten Caleb was still perfectly wrapped, lying in his lap.

"Aren't you going to open your gift?" I asked him.

"Well, I wanted you to watch me open it." He smiled and I returned a grin also.

I spent half of my allowance on this and my mom paid the other half for it. I knew exactly what Caleb wanted and I was determined to get it for him.

He gasped as he pulled out a new camera, of course it was way less fancier than his moms because I couldn't afford one like that.

"Emily, I can't believe this!" He said and I grinned. It made me happy seeing him so excited over something I did.

"So I'm guessing you like it?" I asked.

He gave me a look. "Like it? I love it! Thank you so much!" He replied and started tearing open the box to get to the camera.

"You're welcome." I giggled.

I looked around the room at everyone who was playing with their new gifts.

"I'll be right back." I said and headed to my room. I wanted to put up the necklace Ethan just gave me before I lost it or something. I gently placed it on my dresser when I heard a gentle knock come from the door.

"Hey." Caleb stepped in and closed the door behind him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I know that I wasn't suppose to give you anything since I didn't draw your name and stuff, but I did anyways." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a necklace.

It was beautiful. Hanging from it was a small E, covered in tiny little diamonds, which were of course not real, but it didn't matter to me.

"It's gorgeous!" I said, placing the necklace around my neck. It was perfect.

I could see him grinning through the mirror.

I looked down at the necklace and started to fumble around with it. "Why'd you get me this?" I asked shyly. Did he change his mind about Madison finally? Maybe he realized that I was right here all along, just patiently waiting for him.

"Because you're my best friend." He said. "Even though we drew names, best friends still have give each other a gift no matter what." He smiled and held up our best friend sign

Of course I was disappointed, but it didn't bother me as much as it use to. I grew to him saying the whole "we're best friends" thing. If he wanted to just stay best friends, then I was absolutely fine with that.

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