Chapter 21

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 21
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 5/19/11
Age: 13

Every student in the school was anxious for summer. We were a week out from being set free from this prison for a good, solid three months. Instead of me being ready for summer break, I was ready to just get out of school right then and there.

I lied my head on my desk and let out a groan. My stomach was upset and I felt as if I could just throw up everywhere. Luckily, Caleb and I had the same science class and we just so happened to sit right next to each other.

Caleb placed a hand on my back. "Are you okay?" He whispered in a worried tone.

I didn't answer. I just kept my eyes shut, praying that I could just hold everything in, and not puke on anyone.

The back of his hand touched my forehead. "Em, you're burning up. You need to go the nurse." He urged, but the bell had just rung.

I slowly lifted myself out of my desk and forced myself to pick up my belongings. Every step I took was a step closer for an accident just waiting to happen.

We walked side by side in the hallway towards our math class. Suddenly, I was for sure I need a restroom.

I freaked. What was I suppose to do? The restrooms were at the end of the hallway and I knew for sure I wasn't able to hold everything in before I got there. "Caleb, I need a bathroom." The panic could be heard in my voice. His eyes widened, realizing what was just about to happen.

Before I knew it, I was bent over, clutching my stomach and vomiting in front of the whole entire student body. You know that my first fear is losing my best friend right? Well, I bet you didn't know that my second fear is getting sick in front of everybody. That's exactly what just happened to me. I just lived my second worst fear.

Caleb immediately grabbed my hair out of my face before I could hurl all over it. Teachers surrounded me, trying to back off students so that they wouldn't step in the mess.

"Sweetheart, here's a trash can." My math teacher, Mrs. Garner, handed me a trash bin. "Caleb, why don't you help Emily down to the nurse while we call a janitor up." He nodded his head and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I clutched onto the trash can as if I was hanging on for dear life.

"It's okay, Em. We'll get ya cleaned up and then you can go home." He said. I was freezing. I was shivering from head to toe. I couldn't stop shaking. He pulled me closer to him. The feeling of him pressed against me made me feel somewhat better, but not completely.

Silent tears were falling down my cheeks. I felt so embarrassed. I would be the new discussion at every lunch table today. I just felt like curling up in a ball and dying of embarrassment right there, in the middle of the hallway.

We approached the nurse's office, but before walking in Caleb stopped me.

"Hey, I promise right after school I'll come over and check on you, ok?" He placed a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt like crap. He knocked on the door behind me. The nurse was really old so it took her awhile to come and open the door.

Caleb placed a hand on my right shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I love you." He said.  Before I could say anything, the nurse barged the door open.

"Come on in, honey. Thank you." She nodded towards Caleb as I stepped into the office. I glanced at Caleb and he gave me a warm smile, then left. My heart was pounding. He told me he loved but I'm positive he meant it in a friendly way. But still, he said it.


I woke up to my mom stroking my hair. I couldn't move. My body was so achey.

"How do feel?" She asked. I shook my head, not wanting to speak. I think she understood.

"Well, I picked up your prescriptions." She held up a bag that contained the medicine the doctor had prescribed me. Yeah, I had the flu in the middle of May. It doesn't make sense to me either.

She walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and handed me two pills. I cringed as I downed the water. The slightest move hurt so much. I lied back down, closing my eyes.

Mom came back in with a cold, wet wash cloth to put on my forehead to help bring the fever down. "Caleb came and stopped by while you were asleep." She said. "I told him you weren't up and felt awful."

I opened my eyes and tried forcing myself up but decided just to lay. "Mom, you could've just waken me up." I sounded weak.

She shook her head. "Sweetie, you're contagious. You have the flu, remember?"

I groaned. "Where's my phone?" I asked.

My mom stood up and walked to the door. "You need to rest." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Mom, please!" I begged. I needed to at least text Caleb.

She debated back and forth over the thought and gave in. She handed me my phone, to where I found a text from Caleb. I smiled to myself and thanked my mom.

Caleb: Hey Em. Mom said u had the flu. Feeling any better?
Me: still feel like crap but thanks for asking :)) sorry mom wouldn't let you in
Caleb: It's cool. I guess you're not going to school tomorrow?
Me: yeah what a bummer. im going to miss out having lunch with ethan. guess it's just you and him tomorrow ;))
Caleb: In that case, on my way over to your house so I can catch the flu.
Me: yeah good luck getting past my mom
Caleb: I'll just climb in through your window. Your mom won't have to know.
Me: whatever. gtg not feeling too well. ttyl ??
Caleb: Of course. Feel better Em❤️

He sent a heart emoji. He never used emojis. I'm dead.

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