Chapter 40

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 40
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 9/28/12
Age: 15

"Hold still or you're going to burn yourself." I told Caleb. I thought straightening my hair was a pain, but Caleb's was much worse.

"I don't understand why we have to dress up for meet and greets." He makes a face.

"Because you're meeting fans." I clamped the flat iron down on another piece of his hair.

"Ow, careful!" He complained, reaching for his head.

"Nope, don't touch!" I whacked his hand off.

"You're mean, you know that?" He laughed, crossing his arms.

"I'm just trying to get finished so I can get ready myself." I smiled.

The door suddenly barged open, Annie still in her pajamas holding the outfit she chose to wear for today.

"I hate hotels. You can't get any privacy and it's too crowded." She rolled her eyes and trudged away. Annie obviously doesn't handle waking up at five in the morning very well.

Hayley came rushing in wearing a floral printed dress and boots.

"Can you do my hair for me, Em? Please!" She tugged on my oversized t-shirt.

I hadn't put on any makeup or even gotten changed out of my pajamas and we had an hour before we had to leave.

I sighed. "Well, what do you want done with it?" I glanced at her then focused back on Caleb.

"I don't know," she shrugged her shoulders. "Just something pretty!"

I nodded my head. "Hold on one second, Caleb." I sat the straightener down and rummaged through my makeup bag. I pulled out a tiny plastic hair tie and motioned for Hayley to turn around. I grabbed a strand of hair from each side of her head and brought them together in the back, tying it.

"There you go," I smiled. Hayley stood on her tiptoes and peered at herself in the mirror.

"Awh! I love it!" She giggled. She have me a quick hug then ran out. In one swift motion, I shut the door and locked it just so no one could get in.

That was when I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time this morning.

"Oh my God," I mumbled. "I look like hell."


"Okay, so here we are at McDonalds grabbing a quick bite to eat just before the big meet and greet! Then we have the kids signing little cards for all of you guys." Miss Katie held up a card with their signatures up to the camera.

"Ooh, it won't focus. Wait, there we go." She said.

"So there's Caleb's, Annie's, Hayley's, and then look! We added a little bonus signature, Emily's!" She directed the camera towards me.

I lifted my head, gave a little wave, and continued signing.

"Emily is in every vlog of ours so we thought why not add her in since she's tagging along." Miss Katie said a final few words and shut the camera off.

"We probably need to start heading down stairs." Billy said, glancing at his watch.

"Already gang, let's pack up!" Miss Katie said in her preppy voice. We gathered our stuff and head towards the escalators.

As we rode down, I grabbed Caleb's hand.

"You're shaking." I said, looking at his hand and back at him.

"Yeah, just a little nervous." He said. His leg was bouncing slightly.

"Why?" I laughed.

Right as we got a good view of the level below us, screams and shouts filled the entire floor. Crowds and crowds of people were blocked off by guards.

Suddenly, my stomach did a little flip flop and I gripped onto Caleb's hand harder. This was nothing compared to the meet and greet on the cruise.

"This is why," he gave me a nervous smile. It was amazing to think that everyone who was here actually watched your videos. I guess it didn't really phase me that subscribers were real people.

We trailed behind everyone else, waving at everybody as we walked along.

"Look at Emily and Caleb!"
"They're holding hands, oh my God!"

Then the crowd started chanting OTP and my face totally turned red.

Caleb leaned down towards me. "OTP, OTP, OTP," he said along with everyone else.

I hit him in the chest. "Stop it." I smiled.

"What? Are you embarrassed?" He poked me in the side.

I slapped his hand away from me, giggling. "Yeah, I might be a little embarrassed walking next to a dork like you." I rolled my eyes.

We finally reached the table where we would sit for five whole, gruesome hours signing things, taking pictures, and talking to fans. I mean it wasn't that bad.

"My mouth hurts." Hayley complained as we reached out hotel room.

"I think everyone's does," I rubbed the sides of my mouth.

"Ooh, here's my favorite part of meet greets. Going through all the stuff people give us." Annie runs into the room, holding two of the many bags of gifts fans I had given us.

She dumps a bag onto the bed and starts rummaging through it.

"Awe, Mom look! A baby rabbit!" Hayley held up a Beanie Baby rabbit to her face. "It's so cute!" She squealed.

"A drawing of us?" I held up a paper that had Caleb and I drawn on it.

"Doesn't really look like us but whatever." He shrugged his shoulders. I glanced at it again and laughed then tossed it towards him.

"Ok, I think this is my favorite." Caleb held up a framed picture of us. The picture was from the night he had asked me out, the one I posted on Instagram.

"Awe, I want this!" I reached for it but Caleb held it back.

"You wish. I found it first, I keep it." He shook his head and held it close to him.

I gave him a look. "Look at the frame, Caleb. It's too girly."

He examined it for awhile. "I'll switch the frames out."

I shook my head and laughed. "How about you give me the frame and the picture and you just get yourself a new one?"

"How about no?" He asked, smiling.

I lunged for the frame in his arms and grabbed ahold of it, but Caleb fought back for it.

"I'll choose who gets the picture, ok?" Annie interrupts.

Caleb and I nodded our heads and agreed.

"Okay, eeny meeny miny mo, Emily gets it." She points her finger at me.

"Ha!" I said and grasped the frame out of his hands.

Caleb dropped his mouth. "That's not even fair! You didn't finish."

"Sometimes in life you aren't always going to win," I looked down at the frame and then back up at him. "Just a part of life." I smirked.

"You're such a brat." He laughed and  tackled me onto the bed.

"Get off me!" I laughed.

"Wait! I want to join in!" Hayley hopped onto the bed then onto Caleb.

"Me too!" Annie followed.

So for a good ten minutes, we just all sorta wrestled for no good reason.

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