Chapter 31

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 31
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 3/20/12
Age: 14

"Y'all be quiet." I yelled out. Hayley and Caleb were fighting over who was going to use their moms home made 'Have You Ever' paddle for their next video.

Caleb lost all interest and came running over towards me. I leaned up against the kitchen counter, patiently waiting for Ethan to except my FaceTime call.

"Hey, he's connecting," Caleb pointed out.

Ethan pops up on the screen in some hotel room.

"HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!" We both screamed. We were so loud we could hear ourselves on Ethan's phone.

"THANK YOU!" He yelled back.

"Ethan! You're in a hotel. Did you forget?" Ethan's mom snapped at him.

I laughed. "So how's your little weekend trip going?" I asked.

"Good, but it would've been better if- listen Caleb were going to have some issues." Ethan suddenly said.

Caleb had just casually put his arm on my shoulder. He played dumb, pretending to be confused.

"Why?" He casually asks.

"Get your arm off Emily." Ethan laughed.

Caleb kept slowly squeezing me closer towards him until he was practically suffocating me.

"Stop it!" I giggled.

"Alright," Ethan threw his phone onto the phone teasingly.

"Hey, let's get this video started." Miss Katie came into the living room and started setting up tripods holding the cameras.

"Ethan, I have to go," I said. He picked up the phone again.

"Okay, miss and love you." He smiled.

"You too," I gave him a quick wave and hung up. Miss Katie was starting to get a little impatient.

"Why don't you just say you love him back?" Caleb chuckled. He rode his Ripstick over to where I was standing in the kitchen.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think I'm in love with him, exactly. I mean I like him, he's a great person but, I just don't love him. Yet. Maybe later." I added.

"How do you even know if you're in love with someone?" He stopped in front of me.

I shook my head and laughed. He honestly had no idea. "Oh, trust me. You'll know."

We both sat down on the couch, holding our "Have I Ever" paddles. Hayley and Annie squirmed in between us.

Eventually Miss Katie started the camera and Caleb explained the rules of this challenge. She scrolled through Instagram, picking out random questions for us to answer.

"Ooh, here's a good one." She said. "Okay, have you ever lied to your parents about something and never told them?"

We all flipped our signs to the 'I Have' side. Then we all got interrogated by her. It was funny watching Annie and Hayley admitting the cold, hard truth of something 'awful' they had done. I glanced over at Caleb. Caleb and I refused to tell her that we were the ones who had broken her expensive lamp. She was still devastated till this day.

"Next question, have you ever had a crush?" She asked. Of course, Caleb and I had ours flipped to 'I Have' and surprisingly so did Annie. Hayley refused to say anything.

"C'mon, I mean it's human to have a crush." Caleb smiled and poked Hayley. She whined once more that she didn't so we left her alone.

"I guess that leads me to my next question. Have you ever had a crush on you best friend or you sibling's best friend?" Miss Katie pointed at me and Caleb. "Madison and Ethan don't count either."

I left mine where it was. I wasn't going lie about liking Caleb.

Annie looked back and forth between I and Caleb's paddles.

"Ooh, I think I know what's up." Annie says.

"You know nothing." Caleb said.

Annie narrowed her eyes at him. I was starting to feel a little nervous. "Yeah, I do!" She exclaimed.

Caleb raised his eyebrows and leaned in towards Annie as she whispered something into his ear. I fumbled around with my hands, head down.

"No, ok... Just stop!" He threw the paddle at Annie's head and got up.

She started to giggle. "I knew it!" She yelled.

"Ooh, tell us!" Hayley squealed while shaking Annie.

"Let me give you a tiny, little hint." Annie grinned.

"No, don't! It doesn't matter anymore." Caleb shouted from the other room, but it was useless.

"She's sitting right here in this room with us." Annie whisper-yelled towards the camera. What an obvious hint, Annie.

"Awe!" Miss Katie cooed and looked over at me. My face turned red.

"Stop looking at me!" I laughed and hid my face into the couch. They all giggled while I slowly died of embarrassment.

Caleb came into the living room, head down, on his ripstick. As he approached the back of the couch, he pointed his finger at Annie, Hayley, and Miss Katie.

"You all suck," he said and rode into the kitchen.

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