Chapter 14

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 14
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 4/16/10
Age: 12

Caleb never once mentioned or even tried to hold my hand again after that night on the hammock. Well, neither did I. I wanted to talk about it with him and stuff, but I don't know. He'd probably just get "distracted" with something else and avoid the topic.

I pulled Caleb's old baseball jersey over my head and slipped on a pair of black leggings and a brand new pair of white Converse I made my mom buy me. Caleb ruined my other pair last week by stepping in a mud puddle that just so happened to go all over me. We tried bleaching them but that just made them ten times worse.

Caleb was going to pick me up at around twelve to take me to his baseball game that started at one.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen to try to scavenge for any food that was even left in our pantry. We were in need of a good two hour WalMart grocery shopping trip.

My mom walked in, still in her pajamas looking groggy. She shot me a strange look. "Since when did Caleb give you his old baseball jersey?" She yawned.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I stole it from him."

"God, Emily. You can't just take things from people without asking." She rolled her eyes and poured a cup of coffee for herself.

I pulled down a bowl from the shelf. "Well he hasn't asked about it yet, so he's obviously forgotten about it." I dumped some Cheerios into the ceramic bowl along with milk and dug in.

My mom blew some loose strands of hair out of her face and closed her eyes.


"That's my old jersey." Caleb nodded towards my shirt as I opened the door to their black Suburban.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. "I didn't even notice." I looked down at the worn out jersey and shrug my shoulders. Caleb laughed as I clicked my seat belt.

"And you're also wearing the necklace I gave you last Christmas." He looked back at me from the back seat.

"Wow! I mean it's not like I wear this everyday or anything." I roll my eyes.

"You're being really obnoxious today." He laughed and pulled his baseball cap down onto his head. I smiled at the necklace Caleb gave me last Christmas. Ever since I've gotten it, I've never been anywhere without it. Of course, Ethan found out that it was Caleb who had given me this necklace which ended up with them in a huge fight but it's all fine now.

Once we got to the fields, Caleb immediately hopped out of the car.

"I'm late! I'll talk to you guys after the game." He grabbed his bag out of the back and raced over towards his teammates.

I cupped my hands around my mouth. "Good luck!" I smiled and waved.

Caleb looked and waved back, flashing his perfect smile.

Miss Katie and I found our seats in the bleachers, patiently waiting for the game to start.

"You know, Caleb talks about you a whole lot." Miss Katie looked down at me.

I blushed. "Really?" I shyly giggled.

She nodded her head and watched as Caleb's team hit the dugout and one of the players stepped up to bat.

"I wouldn't be surprised at all if he liked you." Her phone suddenly rang. "What does he want know?" She asked and started talking to Billy.

The possibility of Caleb actually liking me swirled through my head. For over half of the game, I couldn't keep my head straight. He talked about me, his mom said so. What did he say? Before I knew it, there was only ten minutes left in the game and I didn't even pay attention to a second of it. Caleb's team was winning by one point. The opponents were up to bat while Caleb was pitching. The bases were loaded, there was two outs, and the crowd was silent not even daring to make a move. This could be it or nothing. It was all up to Caleb.

He brushed his hand through his hair, something he did when he was either nervous or embarrassed. Obviously, he was nervous.

Then he looked right up at me, his eyes filled with fear. Then I realized he was looking up for me help, or more like comfort I guess.

"Concentrate, you can do this." I mouthed to him and he nodded his head.

He closed eyes and took a deep breath. He threw the ball square into the catchers glove, the batter swinging and missing.

"Strike one!" The ump called. The whole stands let out a breath then immediately took in another one.

He once again glanced up at me and I nodded my head and smiled.

Again, Caleb threw another perfect pitch.

"Yeah!" The whole crowd screamed. I was grinning ear to ear. One more, just one more.

In the dugout, his team started chanting his name and the crowd slowly began starting in also.

Instead of screaming, I was talking to Caleb. "Come on, one more. I know you can do it."

"Strike three! You're out!" The umpire yelled.

Suddenly the whole crowd went crazy, yelling and jumping up and down.

I sat there on the bleachers, watching Caleb's teammates surround him. He looked up at me and grinned, holding up our best friend sign.

"Thank you!" I saw him mouth and I laughed.

"I love you." I mouthed back, except he wasn't able to see me.

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