Chapter 37

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 37
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 8/2/12
Age: 15

"How many more games does he have left?" Hayley tugged onto my shirt.

I looked down at her. "If he wins this one then he has one more but if he loses this will be his last." I say.

She leans against me. "Well, I hope he loses." She says grumpily. It was almost ten at night and it was obvious Hayley needed sleep. Caleb's baseball tournament had gone overtime since they've won every game they've played so far. If they win this one then the next, they'll win championships which is what we want, besides Hayley.

Hayley curls up on my lap and is out cold five minutes later.

"Let's go, Caleb!" Miss Katie shouts beside me. He is standing at third base. If he makes it to home, then his team will be up by two runs. They only have a minute left on the clock.

The kid hits the ball and Caleb sprints as fast he can towards home. The pitcher has ahold of the ball and throws it towards the catcher. Caleb slides and touches base before the catcher has the chance to. The crowd cheers and goes crazy, except for me. Caleb is still lying on the ground from where he slid.

I quickly, yet gently, place Hayley on the bleachers and stand up.

"Hey, he's hurt." I shout at Miss Katie. I didn't wait to hear her response. I rushed towards the fence to find out what's happening.

"Caleb? I yell. I grip onto the fence hard, my knuckles turning white. Coaches, players, and umps all surround him, blocking my view.

"I don't know how to get on the field." Miss Katie rushes towards me.

"What's wrong?" She calls out to the group of people around Caleb. Before anyone could reply, he stands up limping.

"You need to sit down," someone suggests.

"No, I'm fine," Caleb shakes his head. He limps over towards the fence and leans on it.

He winces and looks down at us. "I think I may need a doctor."

"Oh, Caleb." Miss Katie sighs.


"Just twisted," the doctor came in and sat down in his swivel chair.

Caleb threw his head back and sighed. You'd think for waiting two hours at a hospital that his ankle would be much worse.

"Ice it, wrap, stay off it for a couple of weeks." He made a list. "That's all you can really do. It'll hurt for awhile." He explained.

I gave Caleb a sympathetic look. I knew baseball was his entire life and not being able to play it for two weeks was going to absolutely kill him.

"Hey, look at the bright side. You get to spend more time with me now." I teased as I helped him towards the exit.

He scrunched his nose. "Ugh, like I'd ever hang out with you." He smirked.

"You sounded like Madison," I shook my head and smiled.

We drove in silence most of the way back to the hotel. Caleb was in a bad mood because of his foot, Miss Katie was just stressed and upset about spending so much money just to find out Caleb's ankle was twisted, and I didn't really have a mood. I was just sorta there.

"I guess Caleb can't go to the beach tomorrow then?" I asked.

"Uh, yes I am." He sat up from his slumped position.

"You can't do a lot, Caleb. You need to rest your foot if you ever want to get back to baseball." Miss Katie explained. She turned into the parking lot of the hotel we were staying at in New Jersey. The beach was backed up right against it.

"Well, I'm still going," he mumbled and we all piled out of the car.

"Listen, I'm going straight to bed when we get there so if you guys need anything then you're on your own." We followed Miss Katie through the sliding front doors.

"Wow, Mom." Caleb said.

"Wow, Mom what? Don't wow Mom me. I just got done sitting in a hospital for two hours just to find out you have a twisted ankle, exactly what I thought it was before we even got there." She snapped.

I turned towards Caleb. "Yeah, don't wow me, Caleb." I mouthed, mocking his mother behind her back.

"Shut up," he said and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"I hope you weren't talking to me, Caleb Logan." She pulled out the full name.

"No, I was not." He said as he glared at me. He jokingly shoved me into the wall.

"Stop it," I giggled.


I pulled the covers gently over Annie and Hayley, careful not to wake them. I walked to the nightstand and turned the tiny lamp off. Now the only light was illuminating off from the TV. Katie and Billy were in the room next to us asleep so Caleb and I were the only ones awake.

I climbed into bed and crawled under the covers next to Caleb. I took his hand into mine and lied my head onto his shoulder. Our bodies being pressed together always gave me this safe feeling, like nothing bad could happen to me when we were like this.

For a moment, I focused on our linked hands. I watched as Caleb moved his thumb in a circular motion  on my hand over and over. I then felt Caleb's gaze on me. I look over at him and gave him a weird look.

"What?" I asked.

He just shook his head and smiled. "Nothing." But he kept staring.

"Oh my gosh, stop it!" I complained and hit his chest. "What are you doing?" I laugh and slump into the bed, covering my face.

He leaned down over me.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He whispered into my ear. My stomach did a little flip flop as my heart start pounding in my chest.

I pulled my face out of my hands and  scrunched my eyebrows and shook my head.

"I'm not beautiful. I'm far from it." I laugh. I didn't think Caleb was being serious. I mean, come on, he's always joking around.

He placed his hand on the side of my face, bringing it to look at his.

"You're not far from it," he shook his head and chuckled. "You're absolutely gorgeous." He was being dead serious.

"I, uh..." I was at a loss of words. Instead of me speaking, Caleb attached his lips to mine, our lips moving in synch with each other. I placed one of my hands on Caleb's chest and the other along his face. We stayed like this for awhile, our bodies pressed against one another, until one of the girls in the other bed stirred.

I pulled away and we both turned towards the bed Annie and Hayley were in. The girls were still sound asleep. Caleb turns around back to me and leans back down for another kiss, but I push him back.

"I don't think this is the time." I nodded my head towards the girls and he sighed.

I pushed the hair out of his face and gave him one more quick kiss.

He lied back on the bed as I nestled my head onto his chest. I closed my eyes as Caleb messed around with my hair.

"I love you," he whispers into the dark.

"I love you even more."

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