Chapter 39

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 39
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 9/2/12
Age: 15

"Okay I have algebra, english, social studies," I mumbled under my breath.  I was walking through the crowded halls while trying to make sure I had all the homework I needed.

"Sorry!" I apologized left to right as I bumped into people.

Suddenly, I rammed right into someone and fell onto the ground, papers going everywhere. All of my homework was being trampled on by passing students.

"Shit," I mumbled and started immediately gathering my belongings. As I reached a piece of paper, my hand brushed along the hand of the person I had run into.

I looked up and was staring right into Ethan's eyes.

"I, uh, I'm sorry. I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing." I nervously laughed and shook my head. Things between us haven't been the best since the whole ordeal on the cruise. I'm not quite sure where we stand now.

He didn't say anything, just barely gave a glance.

We slowly stood up and he handed me the papers he had gathered.

"Thanks," I took them and placed my hair behind my ear. He started to walk away from me but I wasn't finished.

"Wait, Ethan." I placed my hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving. He turned around but refused to look at me.

"Can we talk about this situation sometime?" I asked. To be honest, I felt freaking awful for what I did. Yeah, he wasn't treating me the best but I guess that means kissing Caleb behind his back wasn't the best thing to do.

He just messed around with his hands, not answering me.

"Please," I begged. "I just want to apologize."

"I don't know. I'm pretty busy." He said in an almost inaudible voice.

"Okay," I nodded my head. I wouldn't want to talk to me either if I cheated. "I guess I'll see you around then?"

He gave a small nod, his lips tightened, and he walked away.

I trudged out of the school building, searching for Caleb. My back pocket then started buzzing. I pulled out my phone and saw that Addy had texted me.

I met Addy on the cruise and let me tell you she is one crazy ass person. I became super close to her over that week and now she's really my first official friend that has ever been a girl. We text each other nonstop each day. The sucky part is she lives all the way in Nevada.

Addy: how's my mom and dad?

Addy was the one I went to after I had kissed Caleb. I was upset yet not really but I just needed some advice. After I explained to her all that went down, all she said was that Caleb and I were her new mom and dad and that she thought Ethan was a total ass that didn't deserve me.

Emily: terrific. how's my daughter?
Addy: in a super bitchy mood but I mean what's new? hey I'm facetiming you rn whether you like it or not.

Before I could reply, I all ready had the FaceTime call popped up on my phone.

"I think you should be in school right now, am I right?" I asked as her face appeared on the screen.

"Ha, I'm sick." She faked coughed.

"Ooh, yeah. You sound deathly ill." I nodded my head.

"Yeah, please tell my mom that." She said.

"Mom!" She screamed. I then could  hear angry footsteps. Addy gave me a scared look.

"Oh shit," she said and I laughed.

"What is it?" Her moms muffled voice asked.

"Emily is going to explain to you that I am very ill since you don't believe me." She held her phone out to her mom and I saw her familiar face once again.

"Hi Miss Teresa." I gave a small wave.

She smiled her goofy grin. "Hey sweetheart! I'm not going to make you tell me anything because I know Addysen probably just set you up to say something." She glared at Addy and returned the phone back to her.

"Bitch," Addy said under her breath.

"You're awful," I laughed.

"And you're- Hey, look! It's my dad!" She screamed. I felt Caleb's arms wrap around me and I smiled.

"Hey Addysen." He grinned.

"And you still call me Addysen which is freaking annoying, but it's whatever. Awe, y'all are- WHAT?" She screamed. "Okay, got to go. My mom is grounding me. Bye."

I rolled my eyes as she hung up.

"Dad?" Caleb asked, chuckling.

"I have no idea." I giggled.

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