Chapter 7

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 7
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 9/07/07
Age: 9

"Mom, can you take me to Justice?" I asked her as she picked me up from school.

"Justice? Honey, you hate Justice." My mom said which was very true, but if I was going to try to impress Caleb then I needed to get some outfits from there.

"No, I don't. Can you please just take me?" I whined.

"Sure, I guess." I was surprised she said yes in the first thirty seconds of begging. I sighed of relief and relaxed into the seat. Luckily, there was a Justice here in town so we wouldn't have to drive so far.

As we walked into the store, the smell of cheaply made perfume and the smell of new clothes hit me in the face. I honestly couldn't believe I was actually walking into this place I told myself I would never walk into.

"Ooh! Look at this dress sweetheart!" My mom held up the ugliest pink dress I've ever seen.

I nodded my head. "I like it!" I lied.

"And it's on clearance!" I think my mom was overly too excited for this small shopping trip. My mom has been bored buying me the same clothes every year and now she finally is getting the chance to help me find skirts, dresses, and etc.

I ended up buying a thousand pairs of clothes, jewelry, and bows that I don't even like and half of this is my mom's fault.

"You'll look so cute in these, Em." She cooed as she ruffled my hair. We were standing in line behind a girl my age with a stack of clothes twice as high as mine.

Our total for everything ended up being over $100, but I think it was worth it and of course, so does my mom.

When I got home, I took all the clothes from Justice and lied them all on my bed so I can look over them.

A knock came from my door. "Hey, Emily." Caleb said stepping in.

"Oh hey!" I gave a small wave.

"What's this?" He asked, giving a weird glance at everything on my bed.

"Oh, they're just clothes from Justice." I waited for an approving look to come across his face, but I just saw a confused one instead. I started getting a little worried.

"I thought you hated Justice? What happened to your old clothes?" He questioned.

"What you don't like these?" I started getting a little frustrated. This was the whole reason why he liked Madison.

"Yeah, I don't know. I liked the old clothes you have, like the outfit you're wearing now." He said.

One thing I absolutely loved about Caleb and I's friendship is that we are always truthful to each other no matter what. It was also a reason why I hated it.

I angrily piled up all the clothes on my bed and threw them in the closet.

"Fine then." I said and walked out of the bedroom.

"Wait, Emily! I didn't mean it like that." He called after me as I stormed to the bathroom and slammed it shut, locking it.

I sat on the edge of the bathtub and let all the angry tears out that I had been letting build up inside of me for awhile.

"You're the reason why I bought those stupid clothes in the first place and now you don't even like them." I said to myself.

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