Chapter 26

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 26
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 1/13/12
Age: 14

"Hey." Riley tapped me on the shoulder. My eyes opened and saw the card she was holding out in front of me.

"What is it?" I whispered. It was awkward talking out loud in the office because it was always so quiet. I took the card and looked at my name on the front, written perfectly in purple ink.

"Birthday invitation." She replied. I got an invitation from the Riley Miles? Not possible.

I didn't believe her, but once I opened that envelope I was totally wrong. Inside was a fancy card that told all the basic information that's usually on an invite. It was this Friday at her house or more like a mansion.

"Are you busy?" Riley eyed me.

"No, I can't wait to come!" I smiled. I honestly think I need this. I've never really been to a huge girls sleepover. I've only hung out with boys since forever.

The bell rung signaling for us to leave.

"Great! Can't wait to see you there." She picked up her things and walked out the door in her Uggs, leggings, and Patagonia. She could wear comfy stuff like that and totally pull it off. I can't.


The week went by faster than I expected and Friday finally dawned upon me. I was excited yet nervous. I was hanging out with the popular girls in my grade. People who usually are invited to Riley's parties have to kiss her butt and do whatever she tells them to do. Me? All I had to do was fall asleep next to her in the office and that was enough to make her like me.

"I can't believe this. You're actually leaving me for them." Caleb said in his baby voice.

I slung my overnight bag over my shoulder and hopped out of the car. "Yep." I teased.

Caleb's passenger window was down. I leaned my face in. "You do realize I've never had a slumber party. With girls." I added and smiled.

"Well, that's probably a good thing. Bad things happen at sleepovers." He shook his head.

"Pst, yeah sure. Like you've ever been to one." I rolled my eyes. "Bye Mom. Love you." I called to my mom who was sitting on the drivers side.

She blew me a kiss and waved. "Have fun, sweetheart! Call me if you need anything or something goes wrong. Caleb's right," she nodded her head towards him. "Bad things happen at sleepovers." She smiled. I know she did that to piss me off.

"HA! See, your mom even agrees." Caleb yelled.

I waved my hand at them as I started towards Riley's house. "Y'all get out of here." I said.

My mom pulled off right as Riley stepped onto her front porch followed by many other girls. I felt sick but I had to keep it cool because if I didn't then this would probably turn out to be the worst night if my life.

"Hurry up, Em! It's cold out here!" She called out and I picked my pace.

As I approached Riley suggested we go up into her room so that's what we did. For the rest of the night we did each other's makeup, painted nails, and looked through years books and bashed on people.

"I've got an idea!" Ally, one of Riley's main friends, called out. "Let's play would you rather except the guy version. You know where someone gives you two guys and you have to choose which one you'd rather date." Everyone nodded their heads and gathered around on the bed. I stayed seated in the bean bag on the floor next to Riley.

"I'll start!" Ally said and choose on someone random. This went on for quite awhile. During all this, I looked around Riley's gigantic room. Her bedroom was ten times more fancier than mine.

"Emily!" Riley shouted. I shook my head and nodded.

"I feel like we're in the office right now." She laughed because she caught me off guard. "I've got one for you." She smirked. My stomach dropped. I knew exactly what she was going to ask.

"Caleb or Ethan?" Of course. Obviously, my first choice would be Caleb. But let's be real, we wouldn't want our relationship to "ruin our friendship". Then there was Ethan. Yeah, Ethan's cute. I will admit to that. Plus he's not as perverted as he use to be. It's like someone finally taught him the real way to treat girls. I debated back and forth.

"Ethan." I couldn't say Caleb. I had to move on from him because I know we would never work out. If I kept hoping to date him one day and it never happened, I would be devastated. It's just best to move forward now.

Every single girl in that room started arguing. People agreed with me about Ethan but then I heard stuff about how Caleb was just absolutely so hot. Which was very true.

"What happened with you and Caleb?" Riley nudged me.

I looked at her. "Nothing." I lied. Moving forward. You're done with him. Just friends.

She nodded her head. "Ethan? He's really cute." She smirked.

"Yeah," I replied. "He really is."

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