Chapter 68

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 68
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 9/28/15
Age: 17

I watched Caleb's thumb rub my hand which was intertwined with his and gave a slight smile. Glancing over at him, I stared as he kept his eyes on his cousin, Paige, out in the middle of the floor. I moved my attention back towards her and her newly wedded husband.

If you thought Paige couldn't get anymore gorgeous than she already was, then you are absolutely wrong. She looked stunning in her white wedding dress. The silky, white fabric was drizzled with all kinds of sparkling sequins. It was every girls dream wedding dress. Well, it was mine at least.

After watching them dance for a little while longer, other people slowly drifted their way up next to them.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Caleb asked, his lips dangerously close to my ear. A warm and fuzzy feeling filled up inside of me as I turned my head towards him and grinned.

"Of course I would." I grabbed back ahold of his hand which I had let go of for just a moment. As he lead me to the dance floor, I smoothed the wrinkles out of my black tight fitting dress.

"I'm not a good slow dancer." Caleb warned as we found a spot. He slowly snaked his arms around my waist, as I brought my own around his neck.

"Neither am I so I guess where just going to have to go with it." I said.

"Good, because I felt a little pressured." Caleb sighed.

I rolled my eyes at him and placed my head on his chest. Together we swayed in each other's arms to the slow steady beat of the music. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on feeling the beating of his heart through his chest. I felt his lips touch the top of my head.

I opened up my eyes and took in all of the people around us. My eyes scanned the crowd in search of someone I knew and landed on Annie. To my surprise, she was dancing with a boy. I guess it never really phased me that Annie was now 14 and could actually be interested in talking to boys. I debated on whether on showing Caleb but decided not to. When I was that age I wanted no adult or older person to bother me about who I was dating or who I liked. It bothered the shit out of me.

Annie gave a small glance in my direction and blushed when she caught me staring. I gave her a reassuring smile and looked away, letting her be.

The music came to a stop and took a dramatic change from something slow to upbeat. Caleb's eye immediately lit up and a goofy grin spread across his face when he realized the song that was blaring throughout the dining hall.

I sighed and couldn't help but laugh a little as Caleb started to lip sync to the song.

"Oohh, I want the time time of my life." He closed his eyes and sang as he grabbed both of my hands into his and started swaying them around. Caleb then spun me around in a circle and brought me closer to him.

"Give me the time of my life." He leaned down towards my face and sang along.

Every time Time of Our Lives came on when we were in the car, which seemed like all the time, Caleb would blast the radio up all the way and sing the entire song. Why he knew every lyric to this song I couldn't tell you. He complains about it every time it comes on when we're not in the car.

"She's on fire, she's so hot." Caleb licks his finger, places it on my arm and quickly removes it, as if I was really hot.

I giggled and bit my lip. I was thankful it was dark enough in there that you couldn't see the color that had risen onto my cheeks. I took his hands back into mine and started dancing around. I couldn't help but sing along with Caleb. We probably looked like the biggest idiots out on that floor but I couldn't give a shit. I was actually having the time of my life and that's all that matters.

The song came to the slow part, giving Caleb a chance to slow down and wrap his arms back around my waist.

"This is for anybody going through tough times. Believe me, been there, done that," he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and then leaned closer towards my face, our lips inches apart.

"But everyday above ground is a great day, remember that." We both sang at the same time, smiling. Caleb leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I love how every time we kiss, he manages to make me feel the same way I did when I first kissed him. You feel bubbly inside and you feel as if you could explode. It was the best feeling ever.

"Man," Caleb breathlessly started. "I think we can be professional dancers." He wrapped an arm around me and grinned.

"Sure we can." I replied. I felt out of breath.

He gave a small chuckle and kissed me on top of the head once more.

Isn't it strange that a boy can be perfectly healthy and so full of life and then three days later be gone?

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