Chapter 36

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 36
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 7/23/12
Age: 15

"Have you told your parents yet?" Caleb asked me.

I knew what he was talking about. I looked up at him and shook my head. I grabbed another wadded up shirt out of my suitcase and grabbed a hanger. Unpacking after trips were a pain.

He continued. "I told my parents about breaking up with Madison." He shrugged. "I don't think they really cared for her anyways." He picked up a t-shirt and tossed it towards me.

He paused and changed the topic for a second. "You're going to help me unpack, right?" He asked.

I have him a look. "Really?" I asked.

"Hey, I'm helping you. I think I deserve a little help." He threw a shirt at my face.

"Yeah, by throwing clothes at me," I picked the shirt off of me and waved it in his face.

"It's saving you an extra three steps, though."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever,"

"So is that a yes or a no?" He asked and I decided to change the subject back to what it was before.

"How am I suppose to tell my mom that I broke up with Ethan and now I'm suddenly dating you? She's going to think that I cheated on him. Wouldn't you? Wait, I technically did cheat on him. Didn't I? Oh my God, I'm an awful person." I was stressed out.

He came over to me and squished my face with his hands. "Calm down. You're going to be fine, and I already have an idea." He shook my head and dropped his hands back to his side.

I sighed. "What is it?" I asked as he made his way to the door.

"You'll find out in," he checked his phone. "About four hours." He gave me a smile. "Just do me one favor, tell your parents that you broke up with Ethan. Don't tell them why, ok?"

I bit my lip and nodded my head.

Before leaving, Caleb peeked his head into the doorway. "I love you," he whisper-yelled.

I crossed my arms and laughed. "I love you too," I whisper-yelled back, then I continued unpacking.


Four hours later, my phone buzzed on my nightstand.

Caleb: Did you tell your parents?
Emily: yes and it was hell. this idea better be good

He didn't reply, instead he walked over to my house.

"Em, someone is here to see you!" My mom called out from the living room.

I knew it was Caleb. I quickly threw on my E necklace and tried to fix the mess my hair was in. I grabbed my hair brush and started combing through the endless thing of knots in my hair.

"Emily, c'mon!" She yelled. I sighed and threw my hairbrush on my bed.

"Ok, calm down!" I walked down the hall and found my mom leaning up against the couch. I was nervous to see what was around the corner.  She gave me a small smile and nodded towards the door.

I appeared around the corner and found Caleb and his mom standing by our door.

I shot Caleb a look and then glanced at my mom. They all just stood there watching me.

"What?" I asked.

Caleb stepped forward and held up a poster board with stuff written on it.

"You have to answer a few questions then I'll leave you alone." He held out the poster board. Once I got a good look at it, I immediately knew and understood what his idea was.

The poster contained questions that had answers that ended up spelling the sentence 'will you go out with me'.

As I was going down the questions, I looked up at Caleb. "Your mom wrote this?" I grinned.

"Um, I came up with the idea, okay?" He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"I'm just teasing," I continued through.

"Will you go out with me?" I said out loud.

There was a yes box and a no box below.

Teasingly, I hovered over the no box for awhile.

"I should just leave now, shouldn't I?" He asked.

"Nope, because I checked yes." I walked over and wrapped my arms around him.

"I like the idea," I whispered into his ear. Our moms were talking so they payed no attention us. "Even though we've already been together for a little while." I added.

"Our parents don't know that, though." He replied.

I kept my arms wrapped around him, my head on his chest.

"Hey, I have one more question."


"Will you come help me unpack tomorrow?"

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