Chapter 47

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 47
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 12/15/12
Age: 15

"Hey, you two listen to me." My mom looked down at the clock in the car and returned back to us.

"I'm coming back to get you at 4:30 which gives you an hour. If you aren't back then it sucks to be you." She narrowed her eyes at us.

"Wow, Mom." I said in annoyed tone as I rolled my eyes.

"Em, don't give me the attitude or I can take you back home." She brought her mom tone out.

I sighed and took Caleb's hand, leading him away from the vehicle.

"You two don't get into any more fights!" My mom called out behind us.

"Oh my God, why does she have to freaking bring that back up?" I asked Caleb.

He just shook his head and turned back around. "We'll try not to!" He held up an okay sign.

"Caleb," my mom warned.

"Just kidding, Miss K." He called out again, giving me a nervous look then laughing.

"She's been such a bitch lately." I said as Caleb and I headed toward the entrance of the mall.

"It's not very nice to call your mom a bitch, you know?" He teased.

I swung the heavy, metal doors open and shot a look towards Caleb. "You can't deny the fact that she was though."

"I'm not going to say anything." He put his hands up while shaking his head.

I smiled and pointed my finger at him. "See! You know it."

"Hey, I didn't say anything so can't  just assume things." He poked my side making me jump.

Playfully punching his shoulder, I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever."

"Whatever." Caleb mocked me.

"Stop it with the attitude, sir." I joked.

"You sound like your mother."

"I can't believe you just said that." I shook my head and crossed my arms. "You're such an ass." I laughed.

"But admit it, you still love me."

"Sure," I dragged it out making it seem like I didn't give a crap.

Caleb wrapped his arms around me as we walked past the various stores. I don't know what kind of workouts the basketball guys do at school but whatever it is it must work damn good because Caleb was freaking muscular.

"Hmm?" He whispered in my ear, making my stomach churn.

I grinned ear to ear, but tried to hide it so I wouldn't mess up the joke.

"Well," I started.

"C'mon just say it. You know you want to." His lips brushed against my ear, making my smile grow wider. The feelings he made me feel just made me want to kiss him and never, ever stop.

"I guess so." I sighed.

"Ha, I knew it." He leaned down, stopping, and kissed me on top of my forehead.

As he pulled away, I saw the shop I was needing to go to.

"Wait, I need to go in here." I pointed at some music shop.

"Why?" Caleb asked as he followed me into the vintage store.

I immediately found what I was looking for as soon as I stepped in. I held up two Phoenix CDs for Caleb to see.

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