Chapter 52

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 52
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 8/26/14
Age: 16

"Well, someone looks a ton better." I said as I barged into Caleb's room. He jumped just a little at my surprise entrance and grabbed for the remote, turning the TV down just a little.

"You know there's a thing called knocking. You should try it sometime." Caleb chuckled as he got up from his bed and walked towards me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I like surprises."

Caleb placed his hands around my waist and brought his head down towards mine.

"Wait," I pushed his lips away from mine so I could get a good look at his face. "Fever free? No throwing up?" I asked.

"For 24 hours." He smiled as if he was proud of not being sick anymore.

"Okay, now continue." He kissed me for awhile and then finally pulled away.

"Where is everybody? The house is dead." I asked. Since Caleb's room was downstairs, you could usually hear everyone walking around upstairs.

"Gymnastics, Target, the usual." He shrugged.

I nodded my head and walked over to his dresser.

"Awe, cute." I picked up a picture frame and held it close so I could examine it. It was the picture Miss Katie had taken of Caleb and I at homecoming three or four years ago.  I was on his back laughing my butt off while Caleb was trying not to fall over.

"Yeah, I've always liked that picture." I heard his mattress squeak as he plopped himself onto it.

"Holy crap," I laughed as I picked up a picture that was lying face down next to the picture frame.

"Hayley brought that in to me this morning and I about laughed my ass off at it. I guess Mom was going through old photos again or something." Caleb said.

We looked to be around five in the picture. It was taken at the beach down in Florida. I was wearing my favorite bright pink bikini, my lady bug floaties, and my purple Dora shades. I had one leg propped up and my hands on my hips while Caleb stood next to me with his arms straight down his side like two boards. His face was cringed and his eyes closed from the sun. We were completely sunburnt and covered with sand.

"That is just absolutely great." I sat the picture back down and started rummaging through the drawers where he kept his sweatshirts. I pulled out the first one I lied my eyes on and slipped it over my head.

"You're house is like a freaking igloo at the moment." I brushed off a piece of fuzz that was attached to the sweatshirt and fell into Caleb's arms.

I buried my face into Caleb's chest and sighed. His hands started going through my hair.

"I'm really sorry about this weekend, Em." Caleb started.

"No, stop. I don't want to here it." I picked my head up and looked him straight in the eye. "It's not you're fault that you got sick." I laughed and shook my head.

"I know but I feel like dog shit about the whole thing because you spent so much money on those tickets."

"Caleb, stop! I swear it's fine." I put a finger to his lip which made a smile appear on his face. "All that matters to me is that I got to spend time with my favorite person ever."

"Even when your favorite person was throwing up his guts?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Of course," I grinned and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"I promise that I'll make this all up to you." He whispered into my ear as I nestled my head into his shoulder.

I hit his chest as he started laughing. "Can you just drop it? Oh my God." I smiled.

"No, because I feel like crap about it all. And don't start trying to talk me out of it because I've already got the whole thing planned out. Which reminds me, don't make any plans on the night of your birthday."

I glared at him, sighed, and rolled my eyes.

"You're such a brat." Caleb poked my side. I laughed and hopped to the other side of the bed, hoping he wouldn't follow. Of course he did and tackled me. I have the dorkiest  laugh ever so him tickling me caused me to laugh which caused Caleb to crack up even more.

"Caleb stop! Please, no." I yelled and hit him through fits of laughter. I finally managed to escape from under his grip. My natural instinct was to roll away from him so when I did I ended up rolling off the bed. I landed on the ground with a hard thud and threw my head back, laughing.

Instead of looking to see if I was okay, Caleb rolled around the bed, gasping for air.

"You're a freaking idiot." I managed to get up and off the floor. I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him. It didn't really do any good since he ended up just catching it.

I sat my self down on the edge of the bed, my back facing Caleb, pretending to be pissed. I felt Caleb crawl across the bed and over to me. His arms wrapped around my shoulders as he leaned down towards my ear.

"But you love this idiot. Yes?" He asked. His breath was hot on my ear.

"No." I said stubbornly.

"Yes." He gently kissed my neck. The hair on my arms stood up and my stomach flip flopped.

"No." I bit my lip to keep from smiling.

"Yes." We kept going back and forth, back and forth as Caleb slowly kissed his way up my neck, to my cheek, then finally stopping at my lips.

"Yes?" He asked one more time, his lips curved into a smile.

I just raised my eyebrows at him. Caleb pressed his mouth against mine and fell on top of me. For awhile we just sorta made out until we were both out of breath.

Once we pulled away, I looked Caleb straight in the eye.

"Yes." I grinned.

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