Chapter 53

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 53
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 11/13/14
Age: 16

"Can I trust you and hope you don't peek or do I need to put something over your eyes?" Caleb asked while opening his car door.

"I think I'm pretty trustworthy considering I never looked once on this fifteen minute trip to where ever we are." I smiled with my hands placed over my eyes.

"Okay, well give me a few minutes to get everything set up and I'll come back and get you, alright?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied and heard the car door slam.

I placed my head on the dashboard so I wasn't tempted to take a glance at where we were. It was 8:30 at night so I was just the slightest bit tired. I listened to Caleb mess around in the back of the truck for awhile. Finally, he came opened my door.

"Don't look yet." He warned. "I'll lead you to where you need to be."

Caleb took my hand and helped me out of the truck.

"I swear if this is a surprise party I'll be so pissed at you." I laughed as he guided me.

"Shit, looks like you'll be pissed at me then." I could hear the sarcasm in voice.

"Okay," Caleb stopped me and placed his hands on top of mine. "Ready?"

"Yeah," I was nervous yet excited at the same time too.

"Surprise!" He yelled as he uncovered my eyes.

"Awe, oh my God, Caleb!" I squealed. The back of his truck was filled with pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags scattered everywhere.

"Star gazing," he referred to all of the stuff in the back. "Something you've always wanted to do."

I nodded my head and covered my mouth. Wherever we were at, it was absolutely beautiful. It was an open area with trees surrounding it.

"We're at a campsite, by the way. Not some random field." Caleb said almost as if he read my mind.

"Hm, mhm." I just kept nodding my head and looking at everything.

"Are you crying?" Caleb chuckled as he took a step closer to me.

"No, I mean yes." I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "It's just that I've always wanted to star gaze like this, and this is probably the sweetest thing ever, and it's beautiful out here, and," I paused for a second to catch my breath. "And I freaking love you. So much." I added.

Caleb wiped the tears that ran down my cheeks away.

"I never cry." I laugh and shake my head.

Without saying anything, Caleb pulled me into a long, passionate kiss. After pulling away, I lied my head on his chest as he pulled me closer to him. We stood like that for awhile until Caleb spoke.

"I've got something else for you." He looked down at me and smiled. "Follow me."

I intertwined my fingers with his as he led me over to the drivers side of the car. He rummaged through the back seat for awhile until he pulled out a CD.

"Was made all the way in Nevada, of course with the help of me." He handed me the CD while grinning.

"Oh my God," I threw my head back and laughed. On the case was written in big, blue words, 'Emily's 16th Birthday Mixtape'. Down below it in red was the word WARNING.

"This mixtape is fire." I giggled at the words that were sloppily written under WARNING.

In small writing along the edge of the case was written, 'Love your favorite bitch, Addy, and you're hot boyfriend, Caleb !!'

"You guys took the time to make me this?" I asked.

"Yeah, and let me tell you," he took the case out of my hand and pointed at it. "It really is fire." Caleb hopped in the truck and placed the CD into the player. He turned the volume all the way up so it could be heard from the back of the truck.

'We Come Running' was the first song that started playing from the stereo.

"Now," Caleb got out of the truck and walked towards me. "May I have this dance?"

"Lord," I sighed and laughed. I took Caleb's outstretched hand into mine and nodded my head. "Of course you may. But we have to wait till the chorus comes along because that's the best part."

"Right." He grinned.

"Just warning you, there's a reason why I play basketball instead of doing dance." I raised my eyebrows.

"Don't worry, just follow my lead and I'll show you how I do it. I'm actually a pretty good dancer." Caleb winked.

"I'm trusting you,"

"Wait, hush!" Caleb pressed his finger against my lips. "Here's the chorus."

(Authors Note: if you are like me and like to get into the story by listening to the music that they're actually listening to at the exact moment, then start playing We Come Running by Youngblood Hawke at 0:44. You're welcome ;)) )

"Headed for the open door!" I lip synched.

Caleb tightened his grip on my hands and practically flung me as he started galloping around in circles.

"Tell me what you're waiting for." Caleb sang along as he leaned in towards me, making me giggle. I honestly wasn't surprised Caleb knew the entire song considering I listened to it 24/7.

We continued that for awhile until he stopped.

"Now it's going to get trickier." He smirked. Caleb let go of one of my hands and twirled me around a couple of times. We returned back to our "normal" dancing for a little bit.

"Here we go!" He shouted over the music. Suddenly, Caleb spun me out from him, then back. Without any warning, Caleb dipped me back. I threw my head back laughing.

"I told you I had some talent." He said into my ear before pulling me back up towards him right as the last chorus of the song started again.

Instead of dancing more, we stood there, bodies pressed together and our eyes locked. I found my hands slowly moving up his chest, making their way around his neck. I got so caught up in the moment that for a second I didn't realize that he had kissed me. Caleb's grip around my waist tightened as I moved my hands through his curly brown hair.


We lied in the back of the truck amongst the many pillows and blankets, gazing up at the millions of stars above us.

Caleb's arm was wrapped around my shoulder and my hands were resting on his chest. I nestled my head in to the crook of Caleb's neck.

Cigarette Daydreams (authors note: you can listen to that song too if you want) was playing over the stereo after the many, many Phoenix songs that was on.

Caleb buried his face into my hair. "16 years." His voice was muffled.

"16 long, crazy ass years together." I laughed.

"True." He paused for a moment. "This may sound stupid."

"What?" I asked, curious.

He hesitated for a second and finally spoke. "Is it weird that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I mean, that's all I find myself thinking about nowadays, which seems absolutely crazy considering we're just 16." He gave a nervous chuckle.

"I don't think it's crazy," I sighed. "If it makes you feel any better I've felt this way since I was 12." I admitted.

Caleb laughed. "Yeah, that could possibly be the same with me."

"We were just meant to be." I laced my fingers with his.

Caleb's face came down towards mine to where our foreheads touched. "I'm so freaking in love with you, Emily." I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

I pressed my lips against his forehead and left them there as I spoke. "Caleb, I'm also freaking in love with you." I copied him as a huge grin spread across my face.

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