Chapter 4

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 4
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 9/02/07
Age: 9

We were in the middle of a new math lesson when the school intercom crackled to life in Mrs. Morrison's third grade classroom.

"Mrs. Morrison, I need Emily and Caleb for check out please." The secretary said.

I glance at Caleb confused, but all he did was shrug his shoulders. We gathered up our belongings and then trudged down to the office.

"What if we're in trouble or something?" I gasped. What could I have done? I brainstormed reasons why I was going to get yelled at until Caleb interrupted my thoughts.

"We're getting checked out remember? The real question is why." He said.

In the office, sat my mom in one of the black cushion seats outside of the principals office.

"Mom?" Caleb and I approached her. She snapped out of her daze and turned to us with a smile on her face. She grinned at Caleb.

"Guess what?" She asked Caleb.

Caleb furrowed his eyebrows, completely unsure of what she was going to tell him.

"You're a new big brother." She said and stood up and hugged him. She walked over to the front desk to sign us out.

He looked at me in complete utter shock.

"I didn't think she would have the baby today." He said. It seemed like a million years have passed by since Miss Katie told us she was pregnant. The whole entire family wanted the huge boy or girl thing to be a surprise, so they wouldn't find out till the baby was born. Now, finally the day had come to find out if Caleb had a new baby sister or brother.

"What if it's a boy?" He asked excitedly as we drove to the hospital. That boy could not sit still. It was like there was ants in his pants.

"I've already made of list of things I'm going to teach him if he is one. Oh! Don't worry! I also have a list of things I'll teach the baby if it's a girl." He listed all the new lessons that the new baby would receive once he or she was old enough to understand Caleb's nonsense.

As we rode the elevator to Miss Katie's hospital room, Caleb jumped up and down in anticipation making the elevator shake. I started having a mini panic attack thinking that the cords on the elevator were going to snap but the doors slid open. We walked out and Caleb and I took a seat in the waiting room while my mom talked to the nurse behind the desk.

"I'm so nervous. See, look. I'm shaking." He lifted his shaking hand up to my face.

I tilted my head back to get a good look at Caleb and not at his hand. "Why? All it is a new baby brother or sister." I said. Once the words came out of my mouth, I immediately regretted it. What if he took the last part the wrong way? Did I sound snotty?

"I know, I know. I guess I'm afraid that I won't get any attention anymore." He stared at his hands in his lap. I let out a sigh of relief, glad that he didn't take my words the wrong way.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "I won't ignore you." I said soothingly. "Your parents don't ignore you. What makes you think that they'll start now?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "They ignore me sometimes. They give most of their attention to Annie." He said.

"That's because she's five and doesn't know what she's doing yet." I giggled.

He smiled up at me and we locked eyes for a little bit till the nurse allowed us to visit Caleb's new sibling.

As we walked down the hallway, I wrapped my arm around Caleb in a friendly comforting way. I could tell he was getting super nervous because his breaths were getting louder and shorter.

My mom stepped in the room before us while Caleb and I stayed back for a few seconds. I gave him our little friendship sign and he returned it.

"Hey Miss Katie!" I said skipping to her bedside. Honestly, I was just a tiny bit anxious to see the baby.

In Miss Katie's arms was a wrapped up blanket, obviously holding the newborn. I stood on my tiptoes trying to get a glance. I saw a tiny baby face sleeping peacefully but wasn't able to tell if it was a baby girl or boy.

"Come here Caleb." His mom said gently. Caleb slowly walked from the doorway to the bed.

"I want you to meet someone." She lowered her arms low enough for me and Caleb to see the tiny baby.

"Meet your new sister, Hayley." I glanced over to see Caleb's reaction on his new sibling being a girl. He beamed proudly, unable to take his eyes off her.

"Can I hold her?" He asked eagerly.

"Have Daddy help you." She replied. Caleb's dad helped him get situated in the chair, carefully took the baby from Miss Katie, and gently placed her in Caleb's arms. I leaned over Caleb's shoulder to watch. Hayley's breaths were slow and steady. She would open her mouth a few times and yawn.

"She yawned!" I whispered-yelled, careful not to awaken her.

Eventually, Annie arrives with her friend, absolutely thrilled that she has a new sister. She did one of her crazy little kid dances around the room while everyone laughed.

We spent about an hour there until Miss Katie started to get a little sleepy.

"I'll call you guys first thing in the morning." She kissed each one of us on top of our heads, including me as if I was one of her own.

"You guys be good for Miss Katherine and stay out of trouble." She nodded her head towards my mother.

We all said a little goodbye to Hayley and kissed her.

"Guess what time it is?" I broke the silence as we rode down in the elevator.

It was like Caleb could read my mind.

"Party time!" We shouted out.

"This is going to be the best night yet!" I said happily.

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