Chapter 5

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 5
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 9/02/07
Age: 9

Caleb and I have had plenty of sleepovers before. They always consisted of playing tag, in the dark hide and go seek, or pretending to be ninjas. Tonight was different. Instead of acting up and being goofy, we just talked like normal civilized human beings.

My mom helped Caleb make a little comfortable spot on my bedroom floor for him to sleep on. She pulled out a dusty, purple sleeping bag from the attic and placed blankets underneath it to make it a little bit more softer. I threw him a couple of pillows from my bed.

"Thanks," he said propping himself up with is elbows. I pulled the bed covers over my shoulders and lied down. We both sat in silence for awhile until Caleb spoke.

"I still can't get over the thought that I actually have a new baby sister." He smiled.

"Me too." I replied.

"Ask him, you know you want to." My brain nagged at me. The question had been stuck in the back of mind since forever, but I've been too afraid to ask him. "Just say it fast, you won't even know you said anything." My brain told me. I nodded my head and finally built up my courage.

"Do you like anyone?" I asked him quickly, glancing at him. My cheeks turned red and I flopped down into my bed, clenching my eyes shut. Why did I do that? Are you really that stupid, Em? Maybe he didn't hear you, I told myself while nodding. That's right, he didn't hear you.

But of course he did. "Do I like anyone?" He repeated the question. There was no going back now.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

He stared at the wall in front of him for a second. What if he actually liked me and he was trying to figure up a cute way to say it? I bit the inside of my cheeks to keep from smiling from the thought.

"I don't know. I think Madison is sorta cute." His face reddened while my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. He doesn't like me.

"Oh, yeah." I said. My stomach was churning. My crush just said he liked another girl and not me.

"What about you? Who do you like?" He asked. Just the question I didn't really want to answer at the moment. I couldn't admit to Caleb that I liked him because that would be too awkward, but I also couldn't tell him I didn't like anyone because then I'd sound like a loser.

"Uh, um," I stuttered, unsure of who to say I "liked". "Nathan," I said out loud. No, not him. He was the booger picking kid in our class.

I heard Caleb snort and I immediately regretted what I said.

"I'm a little tired. Let's go to bed." I suggested before he could say anything else. I reached over to my nightstand and turned off my lamp. I rolled over on my side to where my back was facing Caleb.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

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