Chapter 69

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 69
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 10/1/15
Age: 17

October 1st, 2015. A day I will never ever forget.

"Babe, just stay a little while longer for me?" Caleb pleaded and kissed me again.

"I know, I wish I could stay longer too." I pulled away and pushed the hair out of his face.

"I'm sure your parents would understand why you were over here." Caleb tried convincing me.

"Yeah, their exact thoughts would be that they're making out if I told them that." I smiled at him.

"But that is what we're doing." He smirked as his lips made contact with mine again. We stayed together for a little while longer before pulling away.

My parents had taken a trip and should be getting home in around an hour from the airport. I had promised that I would make them dinner once they got there since I knew they would probably be starving.

I sat up from my spot on Caleb's bed and reached for my phone. 6:10.

"Don't leave me, Em." Caleb whined and pulled on my wrist, forcing me to fall into his arms. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, making myself comfortable just for a minute longer. I didn't want to leave. I never wanted to leave Caleb.

Reopening my eyes, I pushed myself back up and faced where Caleb was lying on his bed. I reached for his hand and laced my fingers with his.

"Why don't you come over with me?" I stared at our latched hands.

"I would, but I feel like shit." Caleb grumbled.

I looked him in the eyes and shook my head. "Then why am I kissing you?" I laughed.

"Because you can't resist how hot I am." He smirked up at me.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "You're right."

Caleb reached for my cheek and gave me a small kiss.

"I promise that I'll be over here first thing in the morning. How does that sound?" Our noses touching.

"Sounds like my day is going to have a great start." Caleb smiled and kissed me for quite awhile.

"Emily," he whispered.


"I'm so madly in love with you." Caleb softly kissed the bridge of my nose.

"Me too, Caleb. Words can't explain how much I love you." And for the millionth time today, our lips met.

But also for the last time ever.

After seconds, our lips lingered on each other's, not wanting to let each other go. Something made me want to stay where I was. I didn't want to leave.

Finally, I forced myself to stand up and walk towards his door.

"Goodnight, Caleb. Get some rest for me." I said, my body halfway out the door.

A soft smile was spread on his lips as he nodded his head. "Will do, Matthews." Caleb winked.

Those were the last words he ever said to me.


I was stirring the pot on the stove when I heard first heard the sirens in the distance. I didn't really think much of it. Once in awhile you can hear the distant sounds of them at our house. But this siren didn't seem to be very far from us at all. It in fact seemed to grow closer and closer which was very unusual in our neighborhood.

Concerned, I sat the spoon down on the counter and walked towards the towel and wiped my hands. I slowly walked towards the window to try and find out where the wailing sirens were coming from or where they were headed.

That's when I saw the red and blue flashing lights in their driveway. My heart sunk as I saw the paramedics rushing out of the house. Without hesitating, I reached for my phone and sprinted out the door. By the time I was running through the wet grass and close to being in their yard, they had already loaded a stretcher into the ambulance and had taken off. I was starting to hyperventilate at this point. I ran back inside and grabbed my car keys off the counter and sped off after them.

My brain was swirling with thoughts. Who was in the stretcher? What had happened? Is Caleb okay? Tears were welling up in my eyes thinking of all the possibilities that could've happened. I must've hit every red light in town that night, which made me go even more mad so getting to the hospital took me longer than it needed to. As I sped walked through the parking lot, I tried thinking good, positive thoughts. I mean come on, it couldn't be anything too serious. Broken leg or arm? That's what it had to be. I was freaking out over nothing.

Once I entered the emergency room, I could hear the wailing. The awful part was I knew who the wailing was coming from. I didn't bother talking to the ladies at the desk. I turned corners and bumped into nurses searching for the crying, the crying that was tearing me up inside.

My hands were trembling uncontrollably as I found Hayley taking unsure steps through a door. I slowed down as I drew closer to the room. Then there were screams with sobs following after. My breathing was so heavy at that point and my feet felt like cement. I couldn't seem to pick them up and lead me through that door. Eventually, I somehow managed to and I wish I didn't.

Machines were going berserk. The entire family was surrounding the hospital bed. Katie looked up at me, tears just streaming down her face, her eyes were red and puffy. Billy was sobbing and Annie was wailing. She was the one I had heard in the lobby. Hayley stood there in shock, silent tears running down her tiny face. A doctor stood there, a saddened look plastered all over his face. He was trying to comfort him.

Then it hit me. Just like a slap in the face.

Caleb was the one in that bed.

And the heart monitor next to him was showing that his heart wasn't beating at all.

"No," I whispered. "This can't be happening." My voice shook. This absolutely made no fucking sense.

The fear I had ever since I was little had became reality right then. I had lost my friend, the love of my life. Caleb was gone for good.

The room was then spinning and I couldn't seem to make it stop. My body felt numb and my vision was blurry partially from the tears and from me being dizzy. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to make sense out of all this but couldn't. This was fucking impossible.

Last thing I remembered from that night was the doctor rushing towards me with outstretched arms and me falling in slow motion towards the ground.

Then everything went black.

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