Chapter 8

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 8
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 12/16/08
Age: 10

Ever since that day with the whole Justice ordeal, I never tried to impress Caleb again. I mean of course I still liked him, I just didn't try to get his attention that much. If he doesn't like me, then so what.

This year was a big year for Caleb and I. We both started fourth grade and moved up to the middle school. It was also the first year Caleb and I weren't in the same class which we both took pretty hard, mostly me. Whenever we got the chance to be together we always took it like at lunch and recess.

"Hey kiddos! How was your day at school?" Miss Katie asked Caleb and I as we hopped into the car and drove away from school. Little snowflakes were starting to fall to the ground.

"Eh, okay." We replied. We both were also beginning to hate school since it was starting to become more difficult than it was before.

"Caleb, did you tell Emily the news?" Miss Katie asked, staring at him through the rear view mirror.

"That Hayley can finally say my name right?" He asked. I giggled. Hayley had been calling Caleb "Cabub" ever since she found out his name.

"Seriously, come on Caleb! Think bigger news, silly!" She said.

Caleb was brain dead and had no idea what Miss Katie was trying to say.

"So Em, we are starting a vlog channel on YouTube called Bratayley." Miss Katie explained to me and Caleb since he totally lost his memory.

"Really! That sounds awesome!" I clapped my hands together. "I'm going to be the star in it right?" I asked sarcastically.

Caleb snorted. "You wish." I gave him a playful shove. "Can we film when we get home?" He asked.

"I don't care." She said.

Right as Miss Katie parked the car into the garage, Caleb and I raced out and into the house to start recording.

"Okay, so here's the camera." He said picking up a camera that looked to be worth a whole lot of money.

"Woah, fancy." I watched him over his shoulder as he tried to figure out how to turn it on.

"Let's record in my room so no one will bother us." He suggested and I nodded my head. I ran behind Caleb who had the camera strapped around his neck.

"Caleb, don't you dare break that camera!" Miss Katie yelled behind us.

"We won't!" We promised and slammed the door to Caleb's room.

Caleb sat the camera up on his night stand so that we were able to sit on his bed while we recorded.

"Ok, you ready?" He asked me. I nodded my head. I was actually going to be on YouTube.

"3,2,1 and action!" He pushed a button and ran to the bed as quick as possible so he could start the intro.

"Hey guys! It's Caleb and today I'm here with my best friend, Emily!" He threw a pair of jazz hands at me while I waved a little hello.

"And today we are going to..." He trailed off and looked at me. "What are we going to do?" He whispered, barley inaudible.

"And we are going to be doing random things!" I looked at the camera and answered for Caleb.

"Right," he pretended he knew what I was talking about and went on with it. "The first thing we'll do is-"

"LOOK HOW HARD IT'S SNOWING!" I screamed, interrupting Caleb. I rushed to the window and Caleb followed, struggling to pick up the camera.

He pointed outside to where a blizzard was going. "It won't focus." He said, concentrating hard. "Oh wait, there we go."

Tons of snow was coming down super fast. We both looked in awe at the snow storm that was happening right in front of our faces.

"I bet we won't have school tomorrow!" I said. He gasped in excitement. The possibility of not having school sounded great to us.

"Let's go play outside." He said and we ran off with the camera to pull our coats and step into our boots.

I was the first one out. For awhile, all I saw in front of me was a blur of white, but it slowly started to slow down.

Caleb followed me around as I made snow angels, attempted to make a snow man, and throw snow balls at the playhouse.

Then we heard a "CALEB" come from inside of the house and we both knew we were in for it. Miss Katie came barging out of the house, her face red from how much she was angry and of the coldness. She was in her house slippers and robe and was running toward us in the snow.

"The camera, Caleb! It's going to get ruined!" She yelled and grabbed it out of his hands and stuffed it under her robe. At that moment we remembered that snow was frozen water, and that water can ruin electronics such as fancy cameras.

We both trudged back into the house, afraid of what was going to happen next.

Miss Katie made us throw off our coats and boots outside since they were drenched. Then she began to lecture us about the camera. Caleb and I sat there and nodded our heads, pretending like we were listening to what all she had to say about the camera. Eventually, her speech was over and she us sent off to go play in Caleb's room.

Instead of playing, Caleb and I rolled around the floor, laughing at the thought of how Caleb caught his mother in her robe and slippers running through the snow all on camera.

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