Chapter 44

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 44
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 11/25/12
Age: 15

I was in a room. There was no light anywhere except for a spotlight that was shining down on me. I looked up, but there seemed to be a non-existing place where the light was coming from. It was just an endless streak.

In my hand was my phone. I stared at the screen as my eyes widened. Notification after notification was popping up from different social medias. I was so overwhelmed. When I tried to unlock my phone, another notification would just show up. - New Question: what a whore I hope Caleb dumps you
Instagram - gbsxoxo left a comment on your photo: Go to hell you slut
Message from Mom: I'm ashamed to even call you my child!

My hands trembled, almost unable to hold my phone. I shook my head and closed my eyes, I felt like disappearing forever.

Then there was a loud ding. I looked at my phone and found a message from Caleb.

Caleb: We're done. Go find another player like yourself. I can't believe I even liked someone like you in the first place.

That's when my hands went out of control, and I dropped my phone. I watched as it shattered into millions of pieces on the hard concrete floor beneath me. Then, it all disappeared.

"See what you get," I heard a high pitched voice coming from the other side of the room.

I swung my head towards Madison who slowly emerged from the dark shadows.

"I told you I was going to make your life a living hell." She smirked. "I think I've done a pretty good job so far, don't you?" She stopped and crossed her arms.

I clenched and unclenched my fists repeatedly. I wasn't going to answer that bitch, not even glance at her. Instead of looking her in the face, I gave a hard stare at her heels.

She giggled her squeaky laugh right as another pair of shoes walked right next to her.

"Caleb," I gave a sigh of relief. At the sight of him, my whole body relaxed. I picked up my leg up to walk towards him, to feel his muscular arms wrapped around my fragile body, but nothing happened. I just stood in the same spot as if I was glued there.

My eyes darted up to Madison, who's lips were inches away from Caleb's.

'No,' I thought. 'Please don't.'

Caleb was the one who leaned down and closed the space between the two. As they kissed, his hands slowly made their way down to Madison's waist where he pulled her closer to them. There was no possible way you could shove anything between the two of them now.

"NO! STOP!" I screamed, but nothing came out. To them, I was just some whore who was mouthing pointless words.

I grabbed my hair and sunk to the ground. Burying my face into my arms, I listened to them. I could hear Madison's faint moans which made me cringe. Blocking out the sound of them was impossible.

Suddenly, I jolted straight up from my bed, drenched in sweat. I frantically looked around, my breathing heavy. Tears were streaming down my face which I couldn't control.

Everyone at school thought of me as a whore. Soon, rumors are going to be flying around so fast that my teachers and even my parents will know everything about this. The thought of that made me want to throw up.

"I need Caleb," I breathed heavily. "I need him."

I reached for my phone on my nightstand which was thankfully in one piece. My hands shook as I dialed his number.

"Please pick up. Please pick up." I whispered as I listened to the rings.

It rung once, twice, three times, and eventually four times before he finally answered.

"Em, what's wrong?" He sounded wide awake and alert.

"I-" I started but then I broke down crying. He kept saying stuff but the sound of my bawling drowned him out.

"Come over right now, please." I managed, gasping for air between each word.

"Yeah, I'm already outside." He said. That's most likely what he was trying to explain to me.

I hung up and limped my way to the back door, not even bothering to pick up my crutches.

When I got there, Caleb was already standing at the back door. I found my way through the laundry room and unlocked the door. Before Caleb could step inside, I threw my arms around him and sobbed.

"Ssh, it's okay. You're alright." He coed as he stroked my hair.

He managed pushing me inside and quietly closing the door. Somehow, we ended up just sliding to floor in the laundry room. Caleb just held me close to him in his arms, letting me cry. Eventually, I just sorta didn't have any tears left.

"Do you want to talk?" Caleb whispered, careful not to wake my parents.

I looked up at him and gave a small nod. I took a slow breath before starting.

"I haven't exactly been telling you the truth lately. I know you're more than likely going to be pissed for what I'm about to say." I fumbled with my hands.

Caleb brushed the hair out of my face so he was able to look me in the eyes.

"I already know." He said.

I glanced away from my hands and up to him. "What? How?" I was confused.

"Addysen texted me today about it all. She told me she didn't think you were going to tell me so she shot me a text." He replied.

"I'm sorry, Caleb." I whispered and bit my lip, trying my best to hold back the waterworks.

My eyes were brimmed with tears. He grabbed my face and wiped a silent one away.

"Please don't cry. I hate it when you cry." Caleb placed his forehead onto mine and closed his eyes.

"I promise that I'm going to stop this all. Just do me one favor?" He asked.

"Anything," I whispered.

"Promise me that from now on we'll be that one couple that will tell each other anything. No matter how bad or embarrassing it is, okay?" He asks.

I let out a small laugh. "I promise."

A smile grew on his face while his hand slowly caressed down my face, where he placed it under my chin. Caleb gave me a small kiss before pulling me back into him. I nestled my head onto his shoulder while his arms wrapped around my petite body and his head gently rested on top of mine.

We slowly drifted off to sleep amongst piles and piles of sorted, dirty and clean clothes.

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