Chapter 64

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A/N: double posting since I've been so inactive recently

The Story Of Us
Chapter 64
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 7/1/15
Age: 17

How Addy convinced us to come to this party, I couldn't tell you. I usually wasn't down for any parties especially if it involved a whole ton of drinking. But for some odd reason, I found myself at a party, which just so happened to be at those three guys condo, totally drunk. Yeah, I know. We broke another rule. To my surprise everybody tagged along, including Caleb. Addy made some fib up about this condo being someone else's she met on the beach just so he would come. If he found out who's it really was, he'd be pissed off.

The place was packed and the smell of alcohol filled the place. Music blared throughout the room. I was surprised nobody, to my knowledge, had complained yet.

"Well, look who showed up." A familiar voice shouted from behind me. I was in the midst of the crowd by myself, so freaking drunk. I turned around with my cup up to my lips. At first, I couldn't make out who he was. I swallowed and cringed as the burning liquid slid down my throat.

"Oh!" I started laughing as I realized who the guy was. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "You're the dude from the beach. I remember you." I playfully pushed him.

He let out a small laugh. "Yeah," he began. "Did you come here by yourself?" He took a quick sip from his beer.

"Oh God no. Why would I do that? Parties aren't any fun without friends." I spread out my arms.

The guy slowly nodded his head. I continued to sway my drunken self to the beat of the music.

"You know," he started. "I find you pretty cute." He gave a wink and that's when I stared bursting out with laughter.

"That's funny," I giggled. I sloshed my drink around, some of it spilling over the edge.

"What is?" He asked.

"Listen man," I replaced my hand on his shoulder as he looked down at it. "You're cute okay?"

He raised his eyebrows.

"But," I lifted a finger. "I have a crazy hot boyfriend who I'm totally in love with." I took another gulp of the strong liquid in my cup.

"Speaking of Caleb, I need to find him." I gave him a quick pat on the shoulder and stumbled off. I pushed and squeezed my way through people I've never seen in my life, trying to find him.

"Woah," I said as I ran into someone.

A smiled appeared on my lips as I saw that it was Caleb. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you." I placed one hand on his chest and took another drink.

"Yeah, me too." He said. "And I don't think you need anymore of this." Caleb reached for my cup and took it into his own hand, setting it down on the counter beside us.

"But babe," I slurred. "I wasn't finished with it." I started to wrap my arms around his neck. Instead, Caleb took my hands into his and intertwined our fingers together.

"You're drunk, Em." He chuckled as he started to lead me towards the door.

"Drunk? That's bull crap." I laughed as I tripped a little over my own foot. "I'd never get drunk." I said as I quickly recovered.

"We're leaving," He smiled down at me.

"This isn't fair." I pouted.

"Trust me. You'll thank me later."


"My head won't stop pounding." I covered my face with my hands and sighed.

"I could've told you this was going to happen." Caleb laughed. He messed around with my hair, making me sleepy.

We were seated on our patio at the condo. As soon as we had gotten back I had thrown up. An hour or so later, we decided to sit out here so I could get some fresh air. The night was cool and the air was salty. The sound of the waves crashing onto shore and Caleb playing around with my hair made me want to drift off into a deep sleep.

I looked up at the sparkling sky that was just filled with stars and closed my eyes.

"Do you ever think about your future?" Caleb spoke out.

"All the time," I replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm afraid. I don't think I'm ready to grow up." He said quietly.

"Caleb afraid?" I teased.

"Think about it, Em. After next year, we're on our own. We won't have our parents around to help us anymore. We gain new responsibilities, get jobs, pay bills. This crap scares me."

I nodded my head. "That's understandable, but you've got look on the bright side of things. You'll be able to get married, have kids, do whatever you want. Sorta." I added.

"I guess," he sighed. "Parenting scares me a little too."

"Are you kidding? That's what I look forward to. Getting married and starting a family makes me so excited." I laugh.

"Mr. and Mrs. LeBlanc," Caleb smirked.

I giggled and blushed. "I like the sound of that."

Caleb leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Me too," he whispered.

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