Chapter 54

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 54
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 2/17/15
Age: 16

I cringed my face as I walked through the doors of Riley's house. The smell of alcohol, cheap perfume, and sweat hit me all at once. All around me were familiar faces that I've seen from school.

"Emily," Riley walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I feel like it's been years since I've talked to you." Let me remind you that I had office worker with her when I was 14. It was a rough eighth grade year.

Riley's parents weren't in town this weekend so she invited the entire school over to her house. Grace convinced me to come since I'd never been to a party with underage drinking before. Well, I've been to one but after just standing around in the first ten minutes I was there, I was finished. I felt sorta wimpy after that and was determined to stay for at least 30 minutes this time.

"It's fine," she told me as she threw a very short skirt and a tight fitted shirt towards me. "You don't have to drink. That's what I do." Grace pulled out a lipstick tube and applied another layer on her already red lips. "I only go to watch people make complete asses out of themselves. Now hurry up and get changed. Gavin and Caleb are already there waiting on us." She motion for me to put on the outfit she had chosen for me to wear.

"You want something to drink, Em? Grace?" Riley sloshed whatever was in her cup around. I could tell she was just the slightest bit drunk.

"No," Grace and I shook our heads. "I'm fine for right now."

"Well, alrighty then." Riley giggled and started to walk off, almost tripping over someone's foot.

"They should be here around somewhere." Grace referred to Gavin and Caleb. The music that blared across the house was so loud that you had to scream at the top of your lungs to be heard.

We ended up finding them in the basement where they were standing around with a group of guy friends. In the corner, a game of beer pong was being played.

"There you are." Caleb turned toward me and grinned. He placed his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"You look great." Caleb complimented my outfit.

I looked up at him and sighed. "I didn't pick it out." I lifted up one of my feet and showed him the the heeled boot I was wearing.

"I know you didn't." He chuckled. "You don't look very comfortable."

"No, it's fine." I said sarcastically. "I just feel like my ass is hanging out of this skirt and that my boobs are going to pop out at any second." I adjusted my top. "And I don't even have boobs."

Caleb just shook his head and laughed.

"Doesn't your girlfriend look hot?" Grace approached us, looking me up and down.

"Indeed, she does." Caleb said.

I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I made her wear that outfit. If I didn't then she was literally going to show up in a pair of sweats." Grace shook her head at me.

"To be honest, I think Emily looks hotter in sweats." Caleb shrugged his shoulders and gave me a quick smile.

"See," I gave Grace a 'Ha, I told you so' look and pointed my finger at Caleb.

"Oh my God. You two are ridiculous." She laughed and flung herself on Gavin. 

"Hey," Caleb turned himself towards me. "I've got to use the restroom. Hold this for me?" He held up the red solo cup that was in his hand.

"Yeah." I nodded and took the cup away from.

As he walked off, I took a quick whiff of the drink and looked in it. As I took a quick sip, I shook my head. Water. I wasn't surprised to be honest. The last thing he'd ever do was drink and I guess I shouldn't be upset about it. I was sorta the same way.

"Well, isn't it my best friend, Emily." I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked over to my side to see Madison giving me a sly smile.

"Hey," I said casually as I looked around at the group of friends she was with.

"How are you? It's been awhile since we've spoken." She asked.

"I, uh, go-" I started.

Madison lifted her drink up stopping me. "You know, I've really thought about what you told me at the mall that one day and you're totally right." She slurred. "I've been a total bitch and I want to change."

I knew nothing she said was true and something bad was about ready to come out of this conversation.

I just nodded my head, not saying anything.

"It looks like you also listened to me too." She glanced at my outfit. "Looks good." She hiccuped.

"Thanks, I gue-" That's when Madison's drink "accidentally" went all over me.

"Emily," I heard Grace gasp behind me.

"Oops, such a shame I just ruined a good outfit." Madison bit her lip giving me a fake sad look.

I glared up at her and before I could stop myself, lunged at her. I felt a pair of arms grab my waist and pull me back.

"You bitch!" I called out after her but it didn't matter. No one could hear me over everything that was going on.

"Emily, stop!" Caleb said.

I did and turned towards him. "We're leaving."

He didn't argue. We walked out together and to his truck.

"Let's get out of here quick." I slammed my door shut and forcefully pulled my seatbelt down and around me.

"Calm down." Caleb said as he turned the keys into the ignition.

"I hate her. I hate everything about her." I shouted.

Caleb pulled away as I kept on ranting. I was on the subject on how much of a slut she was when I found a t-shirt lying in the back seat.

I was so pissed off I couldn't think or see straight at the moment so I wasn't thinking before I did the things I did.

Without any warning, I went ahead and took of my shirt and threw on Caleb's baseball one.

"Oh, well okay then." Caleb used his hand to block out the side of his face closest to me.

"I'm already finished." I mumbled, crossing my arms. "I wasn't going to sit in a beer soaked shirt the entire ride home. The smell is giving me a pounding headache."

It went silent for awhile and the only thing you could hear was the car engine.

"Is it cool if I spend the night with you?" I wasn't sure why I was asking him.

"Yeah, I guess so." He made a turn onto our street and then into his driveway.

Caleb parked and took the keys out. Before piling out, I reached for his hand and squeezed it.

"I didn't mean to be rude to you or anything. I'm just sorta upset." Wow, that's really obvious. "Sorry, you have to deal with a crazy ass person like me." I let out a small laugh.

"It's okay," he placed his other hand on our already intertwined hands. "I've had to deal with worse." He winked.

I couldn't stop laughing after that.

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