Chapter 51

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 51
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 8/23/14
Age: 16

"Doing any better?" I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Caleb's hair back out of his face.

For his sixteenth birthday my plan was to get him tickets to a professional baseball game but when I heard that the World Series was going to be close to us this year I decided to get us tickets there instead. It took a ton of convincing to let my parents allow us to go, but they finally agreed. Except in the past two hours, Caleb had thrown up at least three times and I haven't been able to get into touch with any of our parents. He got so bad that he had to pull over and find a hotel just to lay in, not too far from the stadium.

Caleb's forehead still felt extremely hot which really began to worry me. I searched his entire car, my purse, and even asked the lady at the front desk if she had any medicine that would help. Nothing. I still wasn't old enough to drive on my own and there wasn't a drugstore anywhere close by.

I walked in the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth from a little metal rack above the toilet. I dampened the towel and made sure to ring it out well enough so water wouldn't go all over the place. Walking back towards Caleb, I gently placed the cloth on his forehead hoping that this would somewhat help reduce his fever.

Caleb slowly shifted around and barely opened his eyes.

"Sorry," I touched his shoulder, trying to stop him from moving around too much.

"The baseball game," he mumbled as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"Don't worry about it." Yeah, I felt sick to my stomach about not being able to go to the game and that tickets were going to go to waste, but I was more worried about Caleb. I was focused on him getting better.

"No, we're going. You spent a ton of money on this. Just give me another hour to sleep." He said weakly.

"Caleb, you're running a super high fever and you've thrown up like a million times. We're not going." I said and that was that. He didn't even try to argue back because he knew he had already lost the fight.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as he closed his eyes again.

I let out a small laugh and caressed his cheek with my hand. "Don't apologize. You can't help being sick."

Slowly, Caleb eventually fell back asleep. I stood up and grabbed my phone off the dresser and dialed my parents for the 500th time.


I woke up suddenly to the sound of footsteps and Friends blaring over the TV. I was still in my baseball attire from last evening and everything. Grabbing for my phone, I realized that it was only one in the morning. At first I had to give myself a second to remember where we were and why. That's when I realized that Caleb wasn't in bed and that the  light from the bathroom was on. I got up from the rolly chair I must've accidently fell asleep in and groggily made my way to the bathroom. As I approached the door, I could hear Caleb throwing up once more. I sighed and reached for the knob, slowly twisting it open. I cringed as the light flooded onto me.

"Caleb?" I asked in a soft tone.

He was leaning against the bathtub, his head rested in his arms. At the sound of my voice, Caleb's head perked up as he brushed the hair out of his face.

"I didn't mean to wake you up." His voice was shaky and his whole body shivered.

"Oh baby," I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I first flushed the toilet and bent over, helping him up.

"C'mon, let's go rest." I turned the light off behind me with one hand, the other guiding Caleb in front of me.

The room was dark now so it was sorta a struggle trying to see where we were stepping. Eventually we ran into the bed and both slowly got in.

Before Caleb lied down, I gently reached for his shoulders and placed him to where his head was resting on my shoulder. He wrapped himself tight in the covers, his body still shaking.

"I'm going to get you sick." Caleb mumbled.

"I don't care." I whispered. I kissed the top of his head and slowly wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me. As I lied my head on his, I started messing around with his hair.

"Please get better soon. I hate seeing you like this." I said out into the darkness.

I heard him mumble something but wasn't able to make out what it was. I didn't bother to ask what he said because he needed to rest, not talk. I gave him one last quick kiss and fell into a deep sleep.

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