Chapter 32

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 32
Emily's POV

Date story too place: 3/29/12
Age: 14

"I'm open!" I shouted.

No one heard me and they ended up getting the ball stolen from the opposing team. I sprinted down the court and blocked off their layup, stealing the ball.

Before taking off, I glanced over at Madison in her cheerleader uniform shooting me a dirty glare. I shook my head and role my eyes. What did I do? Oh, wait! That's right, nothing! Madison is just a bitch who thinks I'm stealing Caleb.

I slowly dribbled up the court and looked up at the clock. 25 seconds left. We were down by one point and it was a home game, so if we lost it would be absolutely humiliating. I looked up at the crowd who were all on the edge of their seats, yelling. Being the point guard was nerve racking because the whole team depended on you. I looked over to the boys team who were sitting in the bleachers. I caught Caleb's eye.

"You can do this. Attack the basket." He mouthed and smiled. I watched as Caleb held up our best friend sign. I felt as if I was back in the stands at Caleb's baseball game that one night, encouraging him on. This time Caleb was the encourager.

I nodded my head. "Attack the basket." I mumbled to myself.

"10 seconds, Matthews!" Coach shouted over the screaming fans.

I immediately faked pass to the left and dribbled to my right, leaving my guard behind me. I weaved in between girls on the court making my way towards the basket. At the last second, I went up for a layup. Just as the buzzer had gone off, the ball had went right in the basket.

The crowd roared and stood as my entire team huddled on top of me. 'Congratulations' and 'Great jobs' were all said to me as I attempted to weave my through my teammates. I needed to find Caleb.

I finally spotted Caleb who found me. We both tried making our way over to each other, but were interrupted. Another girl started a conversation, but I didn't pay attention. I nodded my head and kept my eyes situated on Caleb. Madison was all over him and wouldn't get off.

"Madison, hold on for just one second." He pushed her off and headed my direction.

"Excuse me," I said to the girl not looking once at her, and ran off towards Caleb.

I jumped onto him, wrapping my arms and legs around him.

"You did it!" He shouted into my ear. "I'm so proud, you have no idea!"

While still holding me, I pulled away and smiled at him. "And I couldn't have done it without you."

Caleb sat me down just as Madison and Ethan arrived.

"Look at you winning the entire game." Ethan said, placing an arm on my waist and pulling me close to him. I grinned up at him until I felt Ethan's hand reach my butt. My face fell as quickly stepped away from him.

"Stop it," I said, louder than I meant to. I glanced over at Caleb who I knew saw all of that. I didn't want to admit it, but Ethan was slowly turning into his own self again. Caleb was right, he hasn't changed a bit.

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