Chapter 30

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 30
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 2/14/12
Age: 14

"Caleb, I swear if you don't stop kicking me I'm just going to walk out." I said.

What does he do? He kicks me again in the shin.

"Ok then," I pull my leg back and do the same thing to him.

"Excuse me," he places his hand on his leg and winces. "You can't kick me. You've got heels on which isn't fair." He whined.

"Wedges," I corrected him. I swirled my straw around in my drink and took a sip.

Madison had this "wonderful" idea of us all going on a double date for Valentines Day. So that's what we we're doing. She picked out a Mexican restaurant in town that everyone goes to. We were lucky there was a table even open for us. All of us crammed into a tiny booth in a corner. Caleb in front of me, Ethan to my left, and Madison next to Caleb. This wasn't exactly my first ideal date but it works.

I pulled my curled hair back out of my face and adjusted my E necklace. It was hot and humid from the amount of people among us. I squirmed around, trying to unstick my legs from the booth. From under the table, I could see Caleb and Madison holding hands. I could also see Ethan's inching close to my thigh. Before he could reach it, I went ahead and held his hand into mine.

Madison kept whispering stuff to Caleb and giggling her obnoxious laugh.

I shot Ethan a weird glance and we both continued watching her. It was obvious Caleb was trying to ignore her. He continuously nodded his head and once in awhile said a few 'yeahs'.

I snorted. I immediately covered up my mouth, my face turning red. It was sorta impossible not to laugh at how ridiculous Madison sounded. Ethan started cracking up while Madison shot me a glare. I started laughing so hard I couldn't stop.

"What's so funny, Emily?" Madison piped. I quickly quit. She sounded serious.

I shook my head. "Nothing." I replied.

She scrunched her eyes and locked them on mine. "I know you're laughing about me so stop lying." She sounded like a fiver year old.

Ethan was dying and it was making us look even guiltier.

"See! You're boyfriend over here is obviously laughing about something you said that had to do with me." She sneered.

I pinched Ethan's arm under the table and he cleared up.

"You can't just assume things, Madison." He started. "All I did was uh, tell her a joke." He lied.

She rolled her eyes. She wasn't buying it. "Sure you were. Can I hear it then?" She asked.

I looked over at Caleb who was holding a hand over his mouth, trying to stifle his laughs.

"Well, you," Ethan thought hard. He was doomed.

I scratched my head and glanced away from everyone. If I didn't I was probably going to lose it.

"Caleb, what- now you're laughing, of course." She crosses her arms and leans back into the booth.

He coughs to cover himself up. "No I'm not," he said.

Madison ignores him. "Y'all are acting so childish, geez." She mumbles.

"Yeah, we totally are." I nod my head and prop it onto my elbow. "I don't know what we're doing."

She glared at me as I just smiled back.

Luckily, the food came and saved us all from having to hear another word from her. Halfway through the meal, Madison got up to use the restroom. We all watched her strut off in her stiletto heels.

"What a bitch," Ethan shook his head.

My mouth dropped as I laughed. I looked towards Caleb who just rolled eyes and gave a small smile.

"Stop it, she's going to kill us." Caleb pushed his finished plate away from him.

"Is she like that all the time?" Ethan asked Caleb. Caleb just gave Ethan a look that told us everything we needed to know.

"Well, I'm glad I have an amazing girl." Ethan placed an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled up towards him as he kissed the top of my head.

The whole time I could feel Caleb's eyes attached to me. A weird feeling formed inside of me.

"Hey, you straightened your hair." I pointed out. Caleb ran a hand through it.

"Yeah, and you curled yours." I imitated Caleb by running a hand through my hair like he did to his.

"It looks nice," I gave him a little head nod.

"Eh, yours is a little frizzy, but it's okay I guess." I rolled my eyes at him.

Madison eventually came back, we finished our food, payed for it, and headed to the parking lot to wait for our parents to pick us up.

Ethan and I sat on the railing while Caleb and Madison were leaned up against the wall.

"It's cold," Madison complained. Caleb took off his fleece jacket and handed it to her.

"Here," he said. Even though Madison was just absolutely annoying, Caleb still took care if her and treated her right. I admired that.

"Yo, Ethan. It's a little cold out here." I hinted around. I wanted a guy to give me his jacket. It's sort of always been on my bucket list. Yeah, I don't know. I'm cheesy like that.

"I know right? It's crazy how low the temperature has dropped." He said.

I nodded my head. That's Ethan for you.

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