Chapter 20

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 20
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 12/31/10 - 1/1/11
Age: 13

Things between Caleb and I have been such a blur. After homecoming, neither one of us ever mentioned anything about it again. Which is what I wanted but I also didn't want that. I'm glad I can just totally forget about the worst night ever but I wanted to know what Caleb was going to tell me. He grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking away from him. He stopped me to tell me something, but I never got to hear what it was.

"Why don't you three go set up lawn chairs on the dock and grab some blankets before we all head out there." Billy pointed to the dock outside of Caleb's house. "Fireworks start exactly at twelve and we've got twenty minutes." He added.

I hopped off the couch where I was sitting next to Caleb. Ethan was in the kitchen eating anything he could possibly get his hands on. I walked to the closet in the hallway and grabbed a handful of blankets.

"Let's go!" I called out to Ethan. I walked behind the couch and shoved Caleb's hair into his eyes. "Get up or you're going to sleep through the new year!" I yelled back as I walked to the back porch.

He slowly shifted around and then squinted his eyes. "Hm?" He asked sleepily. Obviously Caleb wasn't the type of person that could stay up all night.

"Emily and I are going outside. By ourselves, to do some things." Ethan said with a brownie shoved in his mouth, making sure to emphasize the last part. Caleb seemed to hear that.

Ethan knew exactly how to wake Caleb up because he immediately pulled on his sweatshirt and shoes, following Ethan and I down to the dock.

"Oh my God, Ethan. You're lucky nobody but else heard that." I said as he grabbed some lawn chairs from under the deck.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I know my ways of pissing Caleb off and grabbing his attention." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Wait, you weren't being serious were you?" Caleb asked groggily.

"No." Ethan and I both replied at the same time and looked at each other.

Caleb mumbled something under his breath, of course, not wanting us to hear.

Everybody started to come out right when we finished setting up the chairs. "It's cold!" Hayley whined.

I threw a blanket at her. "Maybe that will help." I smiled. People then started taking blankets and and finding spots. I sat down in the back in a chair next to Caleb while everyone else was in front of us.

"I'm blanket-less and cold." I shivered. Caleb unfolded his blanket and threw it on top of him and I.

"We can share." He said.

"Thanks." I pulled the blanket under my chin and closed my eyes.

"It's 12! It's finally 2011!" Annie screamed, holding up her dad's phone. Right on time, I opened my eyes and saw a streak of light fly into the dark sky. It exploded into a million streaks of colorful light.

I glanced over at Caleb. "Wake up!" I startled him awake. "Happy New Year, Sleepyhead." I teased. He gave me a tired smile and stared into the night sky. Everyone one was yelling, neighbors near buy were blaring loud music, and people in the distance could be heard celebrating.

With everyone busy chattering and watching the fireworks, I decided to do something I've been wanting to do for awhile. I leaned in towards Caleb and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Surprised, he looked at me and I smiled. "Just thought I would try it." I said the same exact words Caleb told me when he kissed me on the cheek when we were little. He obviously remembered that moment and laughed, blushing a little.

I returned my gaze to the fireworks above us. But out of the corner of my eye, I could see Caleb's hand slowly touch the spot where my lips had met with his cheek. I suddenly felt this tingly feeling inside of me, the kind of tingly feeling that made you feel good.

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