Chapter 9

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 9
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 7/12/09
Age: 11

This summer, Caleb's family has taken more vacations than they ever have before. So basically to sum everything up, my summer has been a total blow.

Being an only child with only one best friend is hard. At times like this, I have nothing to do because my best friend is gone and I don't have any siblings to hang out with.

"Why don't you go meet that new kid that just moved in last week. He looks to be around your age." My mom suggested. I sat at the kitchen counter and watched my mom make me the same lunch I've eaten all week, a grilled cheese sandwich.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I don't feel like it."

I took the grilled cheese to my room and ate it there. I lied on the bed staring at the blank wall in front of me, wondering what I could do with myself besides just moping around all day. I eventually made up my mind and decided to go meet this new kid. Maybe it's probably a good thing I find another friend just incase this whole situation ever happens again.

I throw on a pair of Converse and walk outside into the hot, humid air. Down the street, I already saw the boy outside swinging a bat around.

I approach him slowly, not wanting to interrupt whatever he was doing.

"Hey." I said awkwardly, standing in his driveway.

The kid sorta jumped when he heard me, not realizing I was there.

"Oh hey." He said throwing down his bat.

I gave a nervous laugh. "I didn't mean to scare you or anything."

"Oh, no, you're fine." He walked over to me.

I'm not really shy around people I don't know, but around him I felt really nervous. Not a bad nervous, but sorta a good nervous. The boy had curly hair just like Caleb's, except his was blond, and he had electric, blue eyes.

I shoved my hands in the pockets of my shorts and started to rock back and forth on my feet, a habit I've always had.

"I just came over to say hi and introduce myself." I smiled. "I'm Emily."

The boy stuck his hand out. "Ethan." I took his hand in mine and shook it for a couple of seconds and let go.

"So how's it been here so far?" I asked, taking a look at their house.

"Not too bad," Ethan shrugged his shoulders. "I thought it was going to be worse."

I let out a tiny giggle and he chuckled.

"So where do you live?" He asked. I pointed at my house.

"Right there. Then next door, lives my best friend, Caleb, except he's on vacation right now." Of course, I somehow managed to get Caleb into the conversation. Why, I don't know.

"Oh, okay. Cool!" He smiled at me.

"Yeah," I said. We stood there awkwardly not saying anything for a little bit.

I decided to break the silence. "Well I just wanted to say hi and stuff."

"Oh yeah! It was really good to meet you!" He said.

"You too." I replied and turned to walk off.

I was only a few steps away from where I was standing when I heard him call out my name.

"Hey Emily!" He yelled.

I turned towards him. "Yeah?"

"Do you maybe want to hit a few baseballs with me?" He gestured towards the bat.

Suddenly that butterfly feeling you get in your stomach started happening and I could feel a smile start to grow on my face. Do I like Ethan? No. I can't like him because I like Caleb, and Caleb only. But I felt myself slowly walking towards him. "Emily, stop and think about Caleb. You like him, not Ethan." My brain tried to tell me, but my legs said the opposite.

I picked up the bat while Ethan threw a baseball. Surprisingly, I actually hit it. It flew all the way into the tress behind him.

"Dang," he looked back at me. "Nice hit!" He said.

I felt my cheeks redden and my heart pounding in my chest. Stop it, Emily! Remember Caleb? Your best friend, the one you know was meant for you? I pushed the thought aside. He's on vacation. Don't worry about him right now.

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