Chapter 42

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 42
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 11/2/12
Age: 15

First away game of the ninth grade basketball season, so nerve racking.

It was already 3rd period and we were barely ahead of the opponent team. When I got the chance, I'd always look up in the stands for Caleb and there he was, smiling down at me. It was always sorta a confidence boost for me. So, I drove in towards the basket, which always ended in me making the shot and also getting fouled.

That was until, I severely hurt myself.

Everyone on my team was refusing to get open so I could pass and Coach was starting to get impatient. So I did what I usually did, attack the basket. As I did, I tripped right over a girls foot, who was standing right in the middle of the lane. An excruciating pain shot all the way from my ankle to the top of my leg. I gasped and fell hard to the ground. Trying to keep the tears in was hard. I immediately reached for my ankle and held onto it, taking deep breaths of air. The pain was unbearable. My vision started blurring at the sides, partially because of the tears and the pain.

Then I let it all out. I started bawling like some baby. But the tears weren't just from my ankle. They were also out of frustration. This was it. There was no possible way my team was going to win tonight. Not the way they were playing tonight.

I banged my fist on the ground.

"Em, calm down." I heard Caleb's voice.

I shook my head. "No, no, no!" I cried. I have to stay and play. I can't leave.

Caleb, Coach, and medical helpers all surrounded me. I placed my hands over my face as I shook from all the crying.

"I have to play," I told Caleb. "Please, let me play." I begged and took a shaky breath.

He just shook his head and placed his arms underneath me, lifting me up.

"Your ankle is bad, Em." He told me just by giving a glance down at it. I was too afraid to look. I just shook my head and sobbed into his shirt.

"Ssh, it's going to be okay." Caleb cooed.

"No it's not. Don't lie to me." I spat.

"Em, stop and breathe." He told me as he carried me into some medical room. He gently lied me onto some cot like thing that is usually found in a nurses office.

I winced in pain as medical helpers examined my ankle. Caleb grabbed my hand. I squeezed it hard as they messed around with my foot.

"I hate to say this but it's for sure broke." One of them told me. I buried my face into my  hands and took deep breaths, shaking my head.

"Why does this happen to me?" My voice rose. Why was I the one to get hurt?

"Your parents here?" One of the guys asked.

Caleb answered for me. "At work. I can try calling." He suggested.

The guy nodded and Caleb dialed my moms number. While he was on the phone with my mom, the guy grabbed an ice pack and lied it onto my ankle so the swelling would go down a bit.

"Ow! Please stop." I complained. He didn't though. He just left it on there.

"You're mom is on her way." Caleb walked over to me. He brushed the wisps of hair out of my face as I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pain and control my thoughts.

I had a feeling that this first game was probably also my last for the season.

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