Chapter 45

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 45
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 11/30/12
Age: 15

"I'm ready to get this thing off." I complained as Caleb and I walked towards the doors of the school.

"Yeah, so am I. I'm sick of carrying your stuff around, geez." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Are you kidding? That's my favorite part of this whole broken foot thing." I laughed. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glance of a boy with blonde curly hair, sitting on one of the benches outside of school. Ethan and I stared at each other for a good, long second before I turned my head away.

"Hey, Caleb!" Ethan called out behind us.

I stopped in my tracks and froze. This couldn't be good.

Caleb didn't say anything. He just turned around and stared at him, waiting for what Ethan had to say.

"Tell your girlfriend to keep her eyes off me. This is why everyone thinks she's a slut." He laughed. He was only a few feet away now, close enough for me to hit him with my crutch.

"Excuse me?" Caleb narrowed his eyes at him.

"You heard me, LeBlanc. I said your girlfriend is a slut." He dragged out the last word as long as he could.

I bit my lip to keep from saying or doing anything. The last thing I wanted to do was to attract more attention towards me.

"Say it one more time, I dare you." Caleb said through clenched teeth, while grabbing onto a fistful of Ethan's shirt. Caleb seemed to tower over him even though they were practically the same height.

I let out a gasp and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Caleb, stop it." I pleaded.

At the sound of my voice, his hand slowly released it's grip from my shirt and lowered by his side.

"Shut the hell up, Emily. No one could give a damn about some whore like you." Ethan spat.

Caleb had enough I guess because the next thing I knew Ethan was stumbling backwards from the blow that came from Caleb's fist. When Ethan took his hand away from his nose, blood covered every inch of his palm.

For a moment, he just stood there shaking his hand and laughing, staring at his hand.

"Okay, I see how it is." Ethan smirked.

Right as he swung his arm towards Caleb I probably did the most stupid move ever and took the hit instead. I was trying to stop Ethan from throwing the punch at all by trying to get between the two, but I guess he didn't see me.

At first I was stunned and didn't know what to do. Suddenly my vision started to blur and my head was aching from the pain. I fell backwards and grabbed for nose, which was pouring out blood. I felt a pair of hands grab at my shoulders and drug me into the grass.

"Caleb," I started, assuming he was the one who was pulling me back. But when I looked up at him, it was someone completely different. My eyes widened in fear, realizing that Caleb was probably still fighting with Ethan. Sure enough, they were.

"Stop it!" My voice was hoarse. My head was pounding and my ankle throbbed, but I couldn't watch them kill each other. I attempted to stand up, but the same kid just pulled me down again.

"No, stay here. I've got it." He put his two hands out to stop me and then turned away running towards the two.

He pushed himself in between them, pushing them away from each other. Ethan tried to fight back, but Caleb slowly backed up and eventually turned towards me, sprinting.

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