Chapter 71

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 71
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 10/6/15
Age: 17

My back faced the casket as I gently rested myself against it. I hadn't allowed myself to look at him yet. I don't think I could bear to see him like this. But I mean, I guess it doesn't matter. I've already ran out of tears and have none left to shed.

The visitation was to start in 45 minutes. Caleb's family was in another room discussing over things with someone. My parents and other close friends and family who were there early were scattered through out the funeral home. Somehow I managed to be here all alone next to Caleb.

"Dude, this is honestly the last place I'd ever expect to see you in. I mean at an early age. I knew it would come at an older age but not now." I laughed and paused.

"God, this is so unreal to me. My best friend is lying in his freaking casket, I mean come on." I shook my head. I fumbled around with my hands for a little bit. "You know, I made plans for our future. Now, before you start judging or laughing at me up in Heaven or whatever, I'm pretty positive every teenage girl with a boyfriend does this. I'm not the only one. And let me just still you they're, I mean they were bomb. Yes, I'm about ready to tell you it all. So, I was thinking you would somehow romantically propose to me out in the rain just like Jim did to Pam in The Office. You know how much I love that show so I of course expected you to do it just like they did. Then our wedding. I wasn't quite sure where I wanted our wedding, but I wanted it to be outside for sure. Where our wedding would take place would've been probably the only thing you would have a choice on." I nodded my head as I went through the plan that had been engraved into my mind.

"Ooh, wait this is my favorite part. Our kids names. So, if I could choose I would for sure pick a boy to have first because you know when I had the girl next he would be there to look after her, I don't know. His name would be Noah James. Then for the girl it would be Mary Caroline. I wouldn't care if you hated those names with a passion, those were going to be our children's names."

I let out a sigh. That's when I looked over at him for the first time. My heart sunk and I immediately drifted my eyes away from him. I couldn't do it.

"You were suppose to finish our Senior year with me and graduate high school. You were so suppose to go to the same college as me. You would go fulfill your dream of becoming a professional baseball player and I would become a speech therapist. We had so many adventures left to go on together, Caleb. So many." I leaned my head down and whispered.

I took in a breath and slowly exhaled.

"Okay, you can do this." I told myself. I was trying to put this off for a little while but I needed to do this.

With shaky hands, I fumbled around with the chain on my E necklace, trying to unlatch it. I took the chain off my neck and brought it to the front of me to take one long, last look. The sparkly E caught the light and glittered. I clenched my fist around it and closed my eyes tight. Letting myself off the casket, I forced my legs to walk over near Caleb. I looked him up and down. He was in a nice black suit, something he would have been forced to wear if he was still here. It almost looked as if he was only sleeping and if I poked him, he would just wake up and be his perky self. I searched for a pocket on his jacket and found one. Reaching my hand towards it, I opened the flap and neatly tucked the necklace he had given to me so many Christmases ago into it.

"I want you to have it. To remember me." I closed the pocket back up and took a step back.

As I shifted my weight back and forth on my feet, I closed my eyes. I tried to take it all in. I still couldn't understand quite well everything that was happening in the moment. At times it felt as if I was in some drawn out nightmare.

Opening my eyes, I began to speak out once more.

"Thank you, Caleb. Thank you for everything. Everything you did for me."

That's when I began my list of things he had done for me.

"Thank you for bringing out the real me, making me smile, teaching me to love life and enjoy it, showing me what love is and for loving me at my worse."A small gasp caught in my throat."But thank you most for being my best friend. You stayed by my side through everything. You managed to be there for me when I was a bitch and when I thought I didn't need you." I laughed at the thought. "Damn, you were the fucking best thing that's ever happened to me really. Thank you."

I stood there in silence for what seemed like forever. There felt as if there were more things I had forgotten to tell him one last time, but I think I said everything I needed to tell him.

"Em?" A soft voice spoke behind me.

I spun around and clasped a hand over my mouth. That's when I found out I still had tears left in me.

"Oh my God," I whispered as the tears slowly made their way down my cheeks.

There in the entryway stood everyone who either made my life actual hell or made it even better. No matter what they did, I was happy to see them all. Addy was the one who had called my name and stood in front of the rest. Behind was Grace and Gavin, then Madison and Ethan. I ran towards them and collapsed into Addy's arms and just sobbed.

"You h-have no idea how happy I am to see every single one of you guys." My voice was muffled by Addy's shoulder. I made sure to look up at Madison and Ethan to make sure they knew I was including them. They each gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I don't think you actually know how much I'm screaming inside that you're actually here." I gave a small smile as they let out a brief laugh.

The sight of them made me realize that everything might be alright. The world wasn't going to end because Caleb was gone. Of course it's going to be rough, but it's not going to be impossible to keep going. I have them to help me through all of it and I'm so, so grateful I did.

A/N: Okay, so I thought that this chapter was the best thing I've ever written when I wrote it, but now that I'm reading it over to myself it's really making me cringe. lol sorry

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