Chapter 25

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 25
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 12/19/11
Age: 14

Caleb and I kept the us both liking each other a secret since we didn't want to draw attention to anybody, until today Caleb totally lost his mind.

Bratayley recently hit one million subscribers and let me tell you, Caleb's life has changed dramatically. Mine has a little since I've been in so many of their vlogs but not as much as his. When we go somewhere out of town or just even in our own neighborhood, we can't get anywhere without getting a picture with some fan. Of course, plenty of people have noticed me before when I'm without Caleb which I find super weird. They've been able to have meet and greets, go to YouTube conventions, even travel the country. I would be the happiest person if I was in Caleb's shoes.

Right now, Caleb and I were lying on his couch, staring at our phones. His mom went to take Annie and Hayley to gymnastics.

"Ha! 99k followers!" I showed Caleb my Instagram and he nodded.

"Ha! 433k followers!" He smirked, holding up his phone.

I threw a pillow at him. "Shut up."

He laughed. "Do you want to fight because I'm pretty sure that's what you're asking for." He held a pillow high up over his head.

"No! Please don't!" I yelled. When Caleb threw something or hit you, it hurt like crap.

I scrambled to the other side of the couch but Caleb of course threw the pillow at me anyways. "Ouch!" I said laughing, holding my thigh where he had hit me.

"You're such a baby! I didn't even hit you hard. You're lucky." He smirked.

"Shut up." I said again. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Shut up, Caleb! Ouch that hurt, Caleb!" He mimicked me and I rolled my eyes at him.

For awhile we were silent. The only noise was the TV on low and the dogs scampering around the house.

He scratched the back of his head. "Can we talk?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course." I sat up and clasped my hands together. "What's up?" I asked in a worried tone.

He fumbled around with his hands for awhile. "I don't think us dating and stuff is such a good idea." He frowned.

I was a little taken aback. "Oh." That was all I managed to get out.

"It's not that I don't like you or anything," he continued. "I just don't want to like, loose our friendship we have. I don't if that makes any sense." He paused, waiting for an answer from me.

I nodded. "Yeah, I understand." I mumbled.

"I feel like once we date or something that somewhere down the road something bad would happen in our relationship and stuff, because it happens with every couple. I just don't want that to interfere with our friendship we have now." He looked up at me.

Couldn't we just work things out if that ever happened? "I agree, actually." I choked out. I lied.

Caleb grabbed my hand into his and looked me in the eyes. "You're my best friend, Emily, and you always will be. I just don't want to lose you. I'm afraid that one day I'll make some stupid little mistake and then you'll never speak to me again. I'm just trying to think ahead before any of that can happen between us. Please don't be mad at me." He pleaded.

"I'm not mad at you and I understand. I don't want to lose you either." I smiled.

He wrapped his arms around me as I did the same. I lied my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"I love you." He said.

I had a sad expression on my face. "You too." That's all I could get out of me. Saying I love you to him was never going to feel the same as it use to after all of this.

We pulled away from each other. Now I'm back to where I first started. We're just friends. I wasn't going to let it get to me though. Maybe he was right. A relationship would just ruin our friendship and I didn't want that to happen either.

Hell, what was I talking about? I'm freaking in love with him.

I left Caleb's house around nine. I was exhausted and upset and didn't feel like staying there any later. Immediately, I pulled on my pajamas and crawled underneath the covers. I didn't bother to tell my parents I was home.

For quite awhile, I lied my face in my pillow and sobbed. Sobbed how I would never get the chance to be with Caleb.

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