Chapter 17

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 17
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 10/2/10
Age: 13

Caleb ended up asking Madison, the one girl in the entire world I wish he would've never asked. I would've been okay with anyone else, but of course he choose her.

Today was the only day my mom and I were able to go dress shopping, and we had Caleb with us.

"Are you sure you want to go with us? I can call and ask if Ethan's mom could watch you." She offered.

He shook his head. "Nope, I'm absolutely one hundred percent positive I want to go dress shopping with you."

I laughed. "Anything to get away from Ethan?"

"Gosh, yes." He said and rolled his eyes.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of dresses that surrounded me once I walked in. I wasn't sure where to start.

"Long, short." Caleb pointed out to signs above all of them.

I thought the best choice was to go with short just because being clumsy and wearing a long dress just doesn't work out very well.

We pushed our way through aisles of dresses just to make it over to the short ones.

I started at one side of the rack while my mom started on the other side. Caleb went to sit in one of the couches in front of the dressing rooms.

I just kept pushing through every dress there was. They were all ugly. They were either frilly, poofy, or just was too bright. I finally came upon two dresses that were exactly the same except they were in two different colors.

"These!" I said, struggling to pull them off the rack. My mom looked at them and gave an improving nod.

"Go try them on." She smiled.

I walked over to the dressing room where Caleb was sitting, on his phone.

"Found something?" He looked up from his phone.

I held up the two dresses. "I hope." I walked into a stall and locked it behind me. I threw on the white dress that I wasn't a huge fan of just so I could just eliminate it out. I then slipped the navy blue one over my head. It was way better than the white one. The top had a sort of a silver sparkly design and the bottom was blue that reached down to my knees. I twirled in front of the mirror a few times, admiring how the dress rose and and fell again. I felt like I was seven again in my princess dress.

"You out there, Mom?" I yelled out. I didn't just want to go out and be all like in a dress and stuff, awkwardly standing around.

She replied yes and I stepped out. I put my arms out. "So, what do you think?" I asked smiling.

My mom nodded. "I like it!" She walked towards me and started messing with the skirt and basically the whole entire dress. I moved away from her, meaning it was time for her to stop.

She looked at me in a strange way. "Aw, my baby is growing up so fast." She hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

"Ok, Mom." I pulled away and laughed.

"Wait, take down your hair. I want to see what it looks like with your dress." She said.

"My hair down?" I asked. I never wore my hair down. Dealing with hair was just too much to handle.

"You're not wearing it in a ponytail for homecoming, Em. I just want to see it down." She said sternly.

I sighed and pulled the hair band out, letting my straight, brunette hair fall down over my shoulders.

"Beautiful!" She clasped her hands together. "Ok, now hand me the other dress. I'll go ahead and use this dress to pay for the same one since they're the same thing." I grabbed the white dress and handed it to her. She walked towards the checkout as I let out a huge sigh.

I had totally forgotten that Caleb was with us. I turned toward him and gave him stressed out sorta look.

He seemed to be stunned or something because who couldn't stop staring at me.

"You l-look great, Em." He stuttered.

I was honestly so shocked that he said that. I gave a shy smile and started rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

He nodded his head and grinned at me.

"Well, I guess I need to get changed." I motioned towards the stall.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry." He said, shaking his head. He gave a nervous laugh and ran his hand through his curly, brown hair.

I stepped inside of the stall and sat down on the little cushioned seat. I grasped my E necklace and smiled.

I was falling for Caleb so hard.

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