Chapter 59

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 59
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 5/29/15
Age: 16

"No, Mom. I'm leaving the gym now." I explained to my mom over the phone.

"Practice got-" Suddenly there was beeping on the other end. I pulled my phone away from my ear and saw that my phone had died.

"Great," I mumbled as I walked to my car. Little droplets of rain were starting to make themselves down. Coach decided to hold a basketball practice after school today and I guess I should be grateful. Tonight we were having dinner at Caleb's house so playing basketball helped keep my mind off of the subject.

By the time I pulled out of the school's lot, it was pouring out. The rain made it almost impossible to see which really worried me considering I wasn't the best driver in the world. I gripped the steering wheel hard, keeping my eyes glued to the blurry figures and objects through the windshield. I was just a few blocks away from home when my engine started making strange noises.

"What the hell?" I said in a confused tone. That's when I looked down in front of me and saw that I was on empty.

"You've got to be shitting me." I sighed and pulled over to the side of the road. I sat there and listened as the car slowly died.

My phone was dead and walking home was definitely not an option so I was shit out of luck.

I groaned and lied my head on the steering wheel.

"Why does my life suck?" I asked myself about ten times. I pondered on what I could possibly do for about ten minutes, but was soon interrupted by the sound of the passenger door being opened then slammed shut.

I screamed and popped up, startled. I quickly covered my mouth but then uncovered it as soon as I found out who was sitting next to me.

"Get the hell out of here." I said through clenched teeth.

Caleb swung his head towards me, making water dripping from his hair go everywhere.

"Get out of my car." I repeated myself.

He sat there for awhile and just stared at me before speaking. "Out of gas?" He casually nodded his head towards the dashboard.

"What the hell do you not understand about getting out of my car?"

"You can't really go anywhere without gas you know." He continued on.

"Really? I didn't know that." I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. "Listen, I don't need your help so please get out."

"I think you need my help."

"No, I don't need any of your damn help." I shook my head and looked away from him.

"Well, I'm not leaving." He leaned back into the seat and crossed his arms.

"Yes, actually you are." I was getting so frustrated and my voice started to raise. "I'd much rather get help from some stranger I don't even know then get help from someone like you. I don't even know why you thought you had the right to just-"

"Emily, I'm fucking in love with you." He said, interrupting me.

I let out the breath of air I was holding in before he spoke and took in a shaky one. Slowly, I turned my head in his direction, but I refused to look at him. Instead I stared out his window with a sad expression sitting on my face.

"I mean, I feel like my life has completely flipped. My grades," he laughed. "My parents are going to kill me over them. I can't seem to keep my mind on retarded shit like algebra and chemistry. Instead, I'm always thinking about you. All the time. Baseball is the worse. I can't pitch right anymore or hit the same. My parents worry about me, my teachers, my coaches. Hell, even Annie and Hayley talk about you and ask about you every second of the day." He paused for a moment and let the rain outside fill in the silence.

"I wasn't the one who kissed Madison. She kissed me. It was all such a blur to me, Em. I turned around and then there was a pair of lips on me. I didn't know how to react and of course Ethan had to be there at the wrong time. It was an honest mistake that sounds like a total lie, I know but I swear it's not." Caleb let out a huge sigh.

"You've got to believe me on this, Emily. I'd never lie or even think about cheating on you."

As I listened to him talk, I also listened to my mom's tiny voice in the back of my head. 'Caleb lying and cheating?'. The words kept nagging at me.

"Nothing makes sense without you, Emily. Absolutely nothing at all." Caleb's voice cracked.

I felt so overwhelmed. My brain felt dizzy and tears were threatening to spill out at any second. A buzzing noise kept ringing in my ears which was giving me a pounding headache. I finally couldn't take it all anymore and walked out into the pouring rain.

The rain was falling all around me as I walked down the almost flooded street. I hadn't been out for longer than five seconds and my clothes were already drenched.

"Emily!" I heard the sound of the car door and feet sloshing towards me. I picked up my pace, not wanting him any where near me.

"Do you not remember our best friend sign?" Caleb shouted behind me. Immediately I stopped in my tracks and listened to what he had to say next.

"You know the one where we'll always go through good times and bad times," His voice slowly came closer towards me but I didn't move or talk.

That's sorta when I started to loose it. One by one, tears started making their way down my cheeks and my body started to shake.

"But no matter what," I could tell by the sound of my voice he was now right behind me.

"We'll always stick together." I whispered to myself as he said the words out loud.

I was wrong to think that Caleb actually kissed Madison on purpose. I was wrong to think he would even think about cheating on me with a bitch we both hated with a burning passion. I was wrong about everything. Now, I just wanted him back.

I turned around to find Caleb just a few steps away from me holding up our friendship sign we had made up when we were little. His t-shirt was stuck to him and his hair was matted to his forehead. I ran the short distance between us, threw my arms around his neck, and crashed my lips onto his. The feeling of his arms wrapped around me and his lips on mine brought all the happiness I had left with him back into me. I never wanted him to let go of me. I wanted to stay like this for the rest of my life.

Caleb tried to pull away but I just pulled him back down towards me and kissed him even harder. His grip around my waist tightened, bringing me closer to his body.

I made the final decision on when to pull away and finally did. I looked into his eyes and started to laugh and cry at the same time.

"Dammit, I was so stupid to let you go." I shook my head.

He brushed my dampened hair out of my face as I continued to cry. Caleb eventually brought me into his arms. I buried my head into his chest and cried. I was chilled to the bone and couldn't really contain my shaking. We both stood out in the middle of the road like this for quite awhile.

"Hey," he said and I lifted my head up to get a good view of him. He fished threw his pocket for a second then pulled out something I'd never thought he would have on him.

"I've carried this around since the day you threw it at me waiting for this moment to happen." My E necklace dangled in front of my face.

I covered my mouth, and of course cried a little bit more. He motioned for me to turn around so I did. With a shaky hand, I pulled my soaked hair out of his way so he could latch the necklace around my neck. As soon as he was finished, I faced him again and kissed him.

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