Chapter 18

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 18
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 10/12/10
Age: 13

Homecoming came so fast that I had a hard time actually believing that it was today.

Straight after school, my mom rushed me home to help me get ready. I first slipped on my dress before I applied makeup and did my hair. I didn't want to smear it or ruin it and then have to redo everything.

It took me almost the time for Ethan to get here to just get ready. When I was all done and finished, I didn't think the girl in the mirror was actually me. My mom had curled my hair, pinned it up in a fancy way and applied a layer of makeup on my face that made me look like I was sixteen. I mean not brag or anything, but I honestly looked hot.

The doorbell rang thirty minutes before Ethan was suppose to arrive. I quickly grabbed my E necklace and put it on.

"I've got it, Mom!" I yelled, running down the hall trying to slip on my heels. Yeah, I know I said heels.

I opened the door to find Caleb standing on my front porch. He had on a suit and was wearing a red tie to match Madison's dress.

"Well, I never would have thought I'd ever see Caleb LeBlanc all dressed up." I smirked, still trying pull on my heels.

He shrugged his shoulders and let out a sigh. "I was sadly forced to, otherwise I would be showing up in my normal everyday clothes. I like your necklace by the way." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and walked down to give him a hug.

"You look nice." I told him.

"And you look absolutely amazing." He smiled as we pulled away. God, why couldn't he be mine already?

"I'm nervous. Is it weird that I can already tell that this night is going to turn into literal crap?" I clasped my hands together.

"Hey, I'm nervous too. It's going to be fine. I promise. If anything happens, you know I'll be there." He sets his hand on my shoulder and I nod.

My mom then runs onto the porch. "Well, don't you look handsome." She smiles.

"Thank you." He chuckled and scratches the back of his neck.

"Oh, look at you two. My two babies are already going on dates." She looked like she was going to cry.

"This is not a date!" I assured her. Caleb agreed.

Miss Katie, Billy, Annie and Hayley came walking across the yard.

"Hey look! Here comes my two favorite LeBlanc children!" I looked at Caleb then ran over to Annie and Hayley. They both practically almost tackled me trying to give me a hug. Caleb always got upset when I called Annie and Hayley my favorites.

"I'm jealous of your outfit right now!" Annie told me.

Caleb walked over to my side.

"She looks like a princess!" Hayley screamed.

I laughed. "That's because I am one, duh." I flipped my hair as Hayley giggled her adorable laugh.

"I think you're more of a peasant than a princess to me." Caleb barged in.

"I think someone is just jealous of my looks. Wouldn't you agree, Hayley?" I asked. She immediately nodded her head.

"Am I missing out on a roasting session?" We heard Ethan's voice.

I turn around to find Ethan behind me practically wearing the same thing as Caleb except his bow tie matched my dress.

I gave him a smile. "Hey Ethan."

"Em, you, um, you look great." He stuttered. I blushed.

"Caleb, Madison's here!" We saw Madison hop out of her car and walk toward the group of us. Caleb greeted her.

"Ok! Let's take some pictures before we leave then we can go. Sound good?" Miss Katie asked and everyone nodded their heads.

Caleb and Madison went first. It was absolutely hilarious watching them. They both were too shy to even stand five feet by each other.

"Caleb, c'mon man. Just put your arm around her so I can actually take a picture." Miss Katie said. He still didn't.

I walked over to the two. "It'll only be for a couple of seconds, I promise." I pushed them together and placed Caleb's arm around Madison.

I could her Caleb mutter under his breath. "I hate you." I turned back to him and smiled.

Once they were finished Ethan and I went. I knew Ethan would have no problem standing close to me. We were a breeze compared to Caleb and Madison.

"Ok, Annie and Hayley wants to get in real quick." Miss Katie rolled her eyes. "Get in really quick, Em and Caleb."

The five of us all huddled together and smiled our hardest. Then Hayley fell on Annie which caused her to topple over which made us all laugh.

"Before we go, Emily and I have to have one!" Caleb yelled.

"Well, you better hurry. We don't have much time." Miss Katie replied, checking the time on her phone.

Caleb nodded his head and turned toward me.

"Let me get on your back." I motioned for him to turn around.

"My back?" He asked.

"Yeah, c'mon. It'll be cute." I jumped up and he caught me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Now don't drop me." I mumbled.

"Can't promise you anything." He said and we smiled.

"Oh that's cute!" Miss Katie and my mom said, examining the picture after she took it.

"Okay, good job. Now put me down." I patted his shoulders.

He shook his head. "Sorry, can't. You told me not to drop you."

I gave him a look. "Okay, well now you can so drop me."

"What's the magic word?" He asked while walking towards the car.

"Please?" I guessed. He shook his head.

"Ugh, Caleb. The magic word with you can be anything. Put me down!" I laughed.

"Caleb, set her down. You're late." Billy said.

He obeyed his dad. "Dad! We do you have to ruin all the fun?" He asked in his little pouty voice.

"Maybe next time." I pinched one of his cheeks while he tried to slap my hand away.

I laughed and Caleb and I hopped into the car along with Ethan and Madison.

We then took off to the school, where I was going to face one of the worst nights of my life.

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