Chapter 50

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 50
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 7/13/14

Emily: what time will you be finished? super excited to see the bday boy💘🎉
Caleb: Idk. Hopefully soon. I can't wait to see you.
Emily: 💗💗so what are your plans once you get your drivers license?
Caleb: Taking you on a proper date, so be ready because once I get my license I'm picking you up.

"Oh shit," I sprung up in my bed and looked at the mirror that was across from me. To be honest, I looked like I was trying to recover from a hangover, which I wasn't. But by giving me a glance that's what it sorta looked like.

It was already four in the evening on Caleb's birthday. Yeah, you're probably thinking why are you looking like a hobo still in bed on your boyfriend's birthday? Well, he told me he was going to spend the first part of his day with his family and that it would be just him and I the rest of the evening. So don't start going off and telling people that I'm an awful girlfriend on Caleb's sixteenth birthday. This was all his choice.

Emily: awe really? what happened to just chilling at the house like you wanted to?
Caleb: I changed my mind. I realized that we've never actually went on a real date before so id much rather do that :)

I smiled yet sighed because I thought of all the preparation that would take place just to get ready for this date.

Quickly, I hopped in the shower, got out, dried my hair, curled it, tripped over a shoe trying to get to my closet, and found an outfit.

It took me a good long while to figure out what I was going to wear since I had no idea what Caleb had in mind. I finally settled on a black summer dress with a maroon cardigan to go over it since I usually froze to death even though it's summer. I hesitated going full out with the makeup but I did it anyways. Really the only thing that changed was that I was wearing eyeliner.

At 5:30 I heard a car blaring it's horn outside of my house.

"Oh my God," I laughed. I grabbed my E necklace off of my dresser and placed it around my neck. Before walking out, I gave myself one last look in the mirror.

"Not bad," I said as I smoothed my dress out. I wasn't the type of person who wore dresses all the time. Usually I tried to avoid them.

Suddenly, the sound of the car horn went off again. Caleb sometimes wasn't a very patient person.

"I'm coming!" I shouted even though he couldn't hear me.

"You know," I slammed the front door behind me. "You could've just texted me telling me you were here or something?" Smiling, I waved my phone in the air as I walked to him.

"Why would I when I can just use the horn from my brand new car." He smirked, meeting me halfway.

"You're a dork." He cringed as I moved my hand through his hair, making it all fall in his face.

Opening his eyes, Caleb flipped his head back, tossing his hair back into place.

"Your the dork, though." He wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me close to him.

I placed my hands on his chest and slowly moved them upwards to where they were around his neck.

"True," I grinned.

Caleb brought his head down, placing his forehead onto my own.

"Happy birthday, baby." I whispered. I placed my lips onto his and kissed him long and hard.

Caleb pulled away first and looked down at me.

"Thank you," he smiled. His thumb slowly caressed my cheek as my stomach formed butterflies.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving." He placed a piece of my hair behind my hair.

"You know I'm always starving." I laugh.

"Well, then shall we leave?" He grins.

"Of course." I reply.

Caleb takes my hand and leads me towards his car.


I should've known that we would've ended up going to the beach. Where we lived in Maryland, we were only thirty minutes away from it which made it super convenient.

"I swear I have a gift for you but you can't have it now." I said. As the words left my mouth, I began thinking how stupid it sounded and decided to rephrase myself. "I mean it wouldn't be much of a gift if you got it now." I shook my head and Caleb laughed. "I'm confusing myself. Anyways, you're getting a gift but not right now."

"You've said that about ten times." Caleb squeezed my hand which was intertwined with his.

"Yeah, I realize that." I giggle as I threw my hand up that was holding my sandals.

We had just finished dinner and decided just to walk along the beach before heading back home. My bare feet stepped in the wet, cold sand making me shiver slightly. Sometimes the waves would come up and rush around my ankles and then fizzle away.

"I don't need a birthday gift." Caleb said, shaking his head.

"Of course you do." I argued.

"No," he stopped and brought me in front of him, holding both of my hands. "I've already got everything I need right in front of me."

Blushing, my lips curved into a smile. "I love you so much." I whispered staring deep into his eyes.

"But I love you even more."

"Not as much as me though." I teased him.

"No, I'm pretty positive I do."

I sighed and just finally kissed him.

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