Chapter 23

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 23
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 10/31/11
Age: 14

"I say we turn around and just go back home." I called out from the back seat. I felt like throwing up as we turned into the parking lot.

"You're such a scaredy cat, Emily!" A boy in the front seat yelled back.

"This isn't even the scariest one." Ethan piped up.

Everyone piled out of the car, except for me. I just sorta sat there and hyperventilated for a little bit.

"Emily," Caleb chuckled. "It's not that bad, I swear." He said. At that exact moment, we heard loud screams come from inside the factory. I turned back at Caleb and glared. "Come on, Em. Don't leave me all by myself." He pouted, grabbed my hand, and dragged me out of the car.

"I don't even know why I agreed to go with you." I mumbled. Caleb asked me to go to some retarded haunted house with a group of friends which included Ethan. Of course, I was the only girl with them so I was picked on the whole entire ride here about being a baby. Honestly, I didn't give a care because to be honest I was really scared out of my mind.

Caleb and I met up with the group who were all ready in line, waiting to enter. Ethan handed us our tickets to get in.

"Hey, Em, one of the rules said you weren't allowed to touch any of the actors in there like punching or-" he stopped mid-sentence. "Wow, she seems really pissed." He laughed and glanced at Caleb. I had my arms crossed and was staring straight in front of me. I wasn't going to speak to any of them.

Someone then started furiously tapping on my shoulder, which really ticked me off. "Caleb, quit the crap. I'm not in the mood."

"Uh! It's not me." He said, putting both hands in the air.

I started to turn around. "Ok, whoever this is-" I stopped and shrieked. "OH MY GOD!" I practically jumped to the front of the line. Some dude who worked at the haunted house was wearing some distorted human face mask. He let out and evil sort of laugh and ran off to scare another helpless person.

"I haven't even entered the this thing and I almost just peed my pants." I screamed at the guy. Everyone laughed at me.

We eventually made it to the front of the line. "Ok, how many of you are there?" The lady at the door asked.

"Six!" Someone yelled out.

"Alright, y'all split up in groups of two then." The lady said in a real, deep country accent.

"Two? Groups of two?" I yelled out. "There is no possible way for us to all go in together?" I asked. The more people in there at the same time, the better.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Too crowded in there." I turned around towards Caleb, my mouth touching the ground.

He shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. "Looks like we're going in together." He smiled.

He faced the door again. "I can't believe this freaking place." I shook my head. Caleb wrapped his arms around me as we watched each group go in one at a time. I told Caleb that we were going last.

"Alright, guys. You're up." The lady opened up the door. I just sorta froze in front Caleb. I wasn't going to budge.

"Em, let's go." Caleb grabbed my hand.

"Caleb, please don't do this to me." I started whining. He kept pulling me through the doorway while I kept trying to run away from it. He ended up winning. As I stepped in, the lady immediately closed the door behind us. I guess there was no turning back now.

"I hate you. I honestly hate you." I said in a freaked out tone.

"No you don't." He smirked.

I glared at him as he laughed. "So are you going in front or do you want to be chased by all the clowns in the back?" He asked me. I shoved him out of my way. There was no way I was going to be chased through out this whole entire haunted house by some creepos.

I slowly turned the the corner where the whole thing began. By the wall was some Slenderman looking thing, casually standing there. I sorta jumped a little and reached for Caleb's hand. He took mine into his and slowly pushed me forward.

"I think it's just a statue." I yelled out at Caleb. Music was blaring so I couldn't really hear anything. I reached out to touch the statue just to make sure but it ended up being a real guy who scared the crap out of me. I ran for my life down the long, narrow hallway. Suddenly it pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. The walls felt as if they were closing up on me so I paused.

"Caleb, please tell me you're behind me." I asked. At first I didn't hear a reply, but then I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"Just keep moving." He sounded like he was out of breath but I think he was just laughing. I closed my eyes and walked forward. I knew there were clowns in the hallways so I just kept my eyes shut and braced myself for them to pop out at any moment. What I liked about narrow hallways was that the clowns couldn't really touch you because there wasn't any room. Wide open rooms were a whole other story.

Before me, I could see strobe lights in the next hallway. As I walked in, people started jumping in front of me, but it didn't really phase me. I was so disorientated by the strobe lights that I felt like as if I wasn't really there. For a second I thought I was just going to pass out. I stood there swaying until Caleb kept telling me to move forward so I did.

The rooms started getting larger and brighter which scared me because you actually could see things and were able to run. Clowns, little children in torn clothes, and hooded figures all chased us around until we reached one of the scariest rooms of all.

It was a very large room. Inside was a beat up car, sitting next to a doorway. The only problem was that some dude in a black hood and cape was blocking the entrance. He was beating on the car with a stick screaming, "GET OVER HERE NOW!" I didn't like him at all.

I shoved my face into Caleb's chest and just sorta started having a mental break down. "Shit!" I said. I covered my mouth, realizing the word that had just come out of my mouth.

Caleb looked down at me sorta laughed. "Did Emily just say what she said I did?" He smiled. How could he be smiling and laughing at a time like this?"

You know what, heck with it. I'm two weeks out from being fourteen. So what if I say a cuss word, I said to myself. That didn't make me feel any better. I still felt as if I just committed the worse crime in history.

"Just please get me out of here!" I begged. Tears were starting to form in my eyes, threatening to spill out at any second.

I think he finally realized how much I was suffering from all of this and started to take charge. He easily lead us past the creepy dude with the stick, into a revolving door which ended in a dead end way with a clown in it, and in a room that made you feel dizzy as if you were in drugs or something.

Eventually, we somehow made it out of the hell hole in one piece. I was traumatized by the whole thing so no one dared to speak to me about it.

As we drove away, I looked down at all the scraps and cuts that were on my hands. I sighed and just placed them on my lap.

"I'm never going in one again." I mumbled to Caleb.

He nodded. "Mhm. I'm sure you'll change your mind one day." He smirked.

"Nope." I lied my head onto his shoulder. "I swear on my life." I closed my eyes and slowly, drifted to sleep.

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