Chapter 55

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The Story Of Us
Chapter 55
Emily's POV

Date story took place: 4/29/15

Junior Year Prom aka the worst night of my life. I'm pretty positive I've thought the same exact thing for every homecoming and prom even if whatever happened wasn't even that bad. Either way, no matter how big or small the problem was, there was always something that just pissed me off.

The night was going great and I thought this was the best prom yet and no one or nothing was going to ruin it. That was until Caleb said he had to use the restroom. If those words never left his mouth then none of this would've happened, but of course it did.

"I've got to use the restroom real quick." Caleb grabbed my elbow, forcing me to advert my attention to him and away from Grace.

I nod my head as he leans down and gives me a kiss on the check. "Don't run off." He winks, making me blush.

"I'll try not to." I tease.

Two minutes went by. Then five. And eventually eight.

As ten minutes approached, I let out a sigh.

"It doesn't take ten minutes to use the restroom right?" I asked Grace.

She swayed back and forth in Gavin's arms, facing me. "I don't think so. Maybe he's nervous?" She suggested.

"Why the hell would he be nervous?" I shook my head. "I don't know. I'm going to go check on him."

I push past the double doors of the gym and walk out into the empty dark hallway. Just as I was about to walk towards the restrooms, Ethan comes storming around the corner.

I gave him a weird stare, but as I looked closer at his face I could tell he was upset.

Even though we've had a rough past, I decided to stop him to make sure he was okay because that's the nice thing to do, right?

"You okay?" I ask as he swiftly walks past me.

Ethan sighed before speaking. "I've now been fucking cheated on twice." He turned towards me and lifted up his arms. "Does it sound like I'm okay?" He continued to walk backwards.

I was sorta taken aback by his sudden choice of words but decided to ignore it. I also felt like crap because I was one of the two who had cheated on him.

"Wait," I called out behind him. He stopped in his tracks waiting for me to catch up to him. "What happened?" I asked.

"Well, Emily. I don't mean to be a total ass and drop the bomb on your "perfect" night but I just witnessed your boyfriend and my girlfriend, wait," Ethan paused. "Excuse me, ex-girlfriend kiss. And it to me looked like they were both enjoying it more than they should have." He slowed down for a second and sighed. "I watched them for like a good seven seconds kiss."

I just stood there laughing. "You're kidding right?"

Ethan shrugged his shoulders. "Why don't you ask her?" He nodded his head behind me.

I watched as Madison scurried down the hallway shouting Ethan's name over and over. "It's not what it looked like, baby. I didn't mean any of it." Madison glanced over at me for a second, giving me enough time to see the fear in her eyes. At that moment my stomach flip flopped and my heart dropped.

I looked behind me to see Ethan's reaction to all of this but he had already disappeared. I didn't want to believe any of this crazy ass shit. I stood there waiting for someone to pop out at me shouting "This was all a joke! You can go back and enjoy the rest of your night now!". But that never happened. Instead, Caleb came around the same corner Ethan had, looking like a nervous wreck. He ran his hand through his hair, a habit he had when he was nervous.

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